Open Skies for foriegn airlines!?!?!?
The LAST thing I want is Ryannair or EasyJet flying from DFW-ORD!!!!
You CAN'T let foriegn airlines fly domestic US routes... they're almost always paid less than the avg. US pilot (EasyJet VS. SWA pilots, for example) cheap labor, lower costs, the competition would be unbearable.
I think there's something called (sp?) cabbotage???
Well whatever this is, I can only hope it doesn't go into effect.
The LAST thing I want is Ryannair or EasyJet flying from DFW-ORD!!!!
You CAN'T let foriegn airlines fly domestic US routes... they're almost always paid less than the avg. US pilot (EasyJet VS. SWA pilots, for example) cheap labor, lower costs, the competition would be unbearable.
I think there's something called (sp?) cabbotage???
Well whatever this is, I can only hope it doesn't go into effect.