Thinking About Getting Back Into Flying.......

I just started soaring, highly recommend it. Dirt cheap, visibility is awesome, and as mentioned, you can land a glider almost anywhere.
I've noticed that spotting a glider is sometimes difficult when notified by ATC they're flying in an area and I didn't realize they could rise 1,000' minute.
Structural failures in flight are about as common as spontaneous human combustion.

It was merely an example used to demonstrate a point.

Do you think she would ride with you if you got recurrent?

She has been up in a C-172 with me, when I went up for a fun joyride with an instructor. It did not take much convincing to get her to come along.

Here's a woman's opinion. If you want to do something in your life which makes you happy, as long as it's legal, your mate should be supportive. She/he doesn't have to like it, but should love you enough to let you do something that makes you a more complete, happy individual. Does she really want you to go through life being unfulfilled and miserable?

No flying doesn't make me unfulfilled - to me flying is like riding an ATV, it is fun, I would enjoy it, but wouldn't really be upset if I missed it.

I think many of you are misunderstanding my initial post - my fiance is not against me flying - she has known I have had my license for a long time, has been flying with me, drove all over Rutland, VT with me to look for the new edition of Kitplanes, and she even came up with the idea E_Dawg should fly in the RedBull air races, etc.

As I said in my original post, I am apprehensive about starting flying again - the main reason I stopped was because I never regained the confidence I had after flying so rarely during college. When I went flying the other year I did enjoy it, but it was not like being a reborn aviator.
It was merely an example used to demonstrate a point.

She has been up in a C-172 with me, when I went up for a fun joyride with an instructor. It did not take much convincing to get her to come along.

No flying doesn't make me unfulfilled - to me flying is like riding an ATV, it is fun, I would enjoy it, but wouldn't really be upset if I missed it.

I think many of you are misunderstanding my initial post - my fiance is not against me flying - she has known I have had my license for a long time, has been flying with me, drove all over Rutland, VT with me to look for the new edition of Kitplanes, and she even came up with the idea E_Dawg should fly in the RedBull air races, etc.

As I said in my original post, I am apprehensive about starting flying again - the main reason I stopped was because I never regained the confidence I had after flying so rarely during college. When I went flying the other year I did enjoy it, but it was not like being a reborn aviator.

So you're apprehensive about flying and couldn't care less really. Easy solution is to just not fly anymore? I don't know what else you're looking for. If it's reasons to get in the sky, those can only come from you. Good luck.
I've noticed that spotting a glider is sometimes difficult when notified by ATC they're flying in an area and I didn't realize they could rise 1,000' minute.
They can, but only if there are thermals to facilitate it. And if those kinds of thermals were about, you'd know it because you'd be having to retrim often to hold altitude. Plus if they're climbing like that, they're more or less parked in one spot turning tight circles to stay in the thermal. And since they have excellent visiblity with very few blind spot and can generally hear you coming, chances are they'll see you before you see them.
Honestly Iain, I think you need to decide what it is you want to be when you grow up. Over the past 7 years it seems your career has gone through as many changes in direction as a wind sock in a tornado. Do your homework, pick something, and stick with it.

Best of luck to you.
Aloft - that is quite the comment considering your slow career progression. Since 23 I have had the same career goals which I am working too, I hardly think I am that far behind determining what I want to do with my life.

I am also unsure how this related to me wanting to fly as a hobby......
I smell a clingy, controlling girl here. You're really going to let her tell you what you can and can't do? I feel sorry for you and your "marriage". If you told her you were afraid of lawyers would she drop out of law school? Tell her to get some therapy and understand that she can't always protect you.

I hope you were joking. Otherwise you owe Iain an apology.
Iain, I've had a few people close to me in my life that have always tried to meddle in my business. It wasn't until I came up, on my own two feet, that I realized they have no bearing on anything, other than to talk smack from their miserable lives. Do what makes you and your fiance happy. Life is too short.
I would just take out a life insurance policy if you were that concerned about it. Not to sound crass, but at least if you pass your wife will have most of her financial needs covered.

I would be all over the glider opportunity personally. I've always wanted to do that, but haven't had the chance. When all is said and done, General Aviation in general is about as safe as riding a motorcycle. To me, that means there is a low tolerance for bad judgement, but if you're careful it's close to 100% safe.
If you want to fly then definately get back into flying. If you let someone else tell you NO, you will regret it the rest of your life and grow to resent the other person. This is not good for a marriage.

The glider opportunity sounds great and it will hone your stick and rudder skills and build a ton of confidence. I definately would jump all over that and use it as a springboard back into aviation, even if you dont want to persue aviation as a career.

As far as your future wife goes, you have some serious talking to do before the wedding. Flying is what you love to and she needs to accept that. She may need conseling to deal with her fears and maybe you can help by asking what she is exactly afraid of. Then try to clear up any misconceptions or show the risks are small...

If you are smart about your flying it is safer than the drive to the airport. Also, whoever mentioned the insurance policy that is a great idea to. They may just be tad pricey, if available.

I have term life and it only covers me for commercial/ATP flying. I am not covered in GA flying.

Good luck.
I am pretty pissed off with the direction this thread went and conclusions you guys made. Suggesting that we are bound for marital problems, or that my fiance should seek counseling is RETARDED. I am not sure if you guys are so arrogant and do not invest the time to read my replied before spouting your twadle, or are unable to read and comprehend what is being written!!!

The reality is (as I wrote multiple times) I have flown once in 8 years - it is quite clear I do not 'love' flying or the lack of flying leaves me incomplete. In fact I would have to choose between piano lessons and flying - I would choose the piano.

Caring for your loved one is what a good marriage is based on - that is all it is!! When she used to ride racehorses, I would always be pleased to see her coming back to the barn - in much the same way she would be pleased to hear I have landed safely. It is absurd to think there is anything wrong with that.
I'm curious as to why you'd start a thread if you're really not that interested in returning to flying (you'd choose piano lessons over flying). :confused: When you start a thread, you're obviously looking for advice/opinions---and you got them.
I would choose piano lessons over flying, but it doesn't mean I would not enjoy to fly - flying has it place. With many aviators it is up there with sex, with me it is around hiking, or a nice afternoon on the beach.

I was looking for some insight about gliding, regaining my confidence, and other people experience with a SO who is might not be so keen on aviation - what I was not looking for was slander.
I was looking for some insight about gliding, regaining my confidence, and other people experience with a SO who is might not be so keen on aviation - what I was not looking for was slander.

Hello, did you even read my post? I don't see slander anywhere in it nor do I see any bashing of your Fiancée. If she does have and has been diagnosed with pteromerhanophobia then it is a treatable condition. It is fine if she doesn't want to fly but no one should project their fears onto another person.

Yes, any issues, concerns, or questions you or your fiancée' have about each others, career goals, kids, extracurricular activities, etc. need be discussed prior to marriage. Disagreements or fears in these areas are not beneficial to a marriage and usually will lead to problems down the road.

Good Luck
If you ask for opinions on the internet don't start kicking, screaming, and crying when people don't write what you want to hear.

Granted some of the replies were less than professional in nature a lot of them were genuine responses.

You posted a question....people read it and interpreted it in their own way and posted responses.

Move on witih your life.
I'm curious as to why you'd start a thread if you're really not that interested in returning to flying (you'd choose piano lessons over flying). :confused: When you start a thread, you're obviously looking for advice/opinions---and you got them.
He has said repeatedly in this thread that while his future wife has concerns for his safety, she would not forbid him from flying. And yet peole have gone so far as to recommend counseling and/or predicting that his marriage will fail because of her concern for his well being.

He asks how he can get back into flying recreationally and what, if anything he can do to help ease his SO's concerns, and people in so many words, tell him to drop the bitch before its too late. Yeah, good advice that. She's obviously not marriage material what with her concern for his safety and all. :sarcasm: That would frustrate me as well.
I think everyone is confused as to the point of the thread. If you want to go fly again, and your wife is going to cross her fingers and wish you good luck, then what's the problem?

Seems like you want to get back into flying but she instilled a a little bit of fear in you. If the fear of leaving her alone due to your death outweighs the want/need/desire to fly, then by all means, don't fly. But make sure you stay off the freeway too. The value judgement is only yours to make.

Coming to an aviation forum and saying I'm afraid to go flying because my fiance is scared I might die and leace her alone is going to illicit the responses you received.
he has said repeatedly in this thread that while his future wife has concerns for his safety, she would not forbid him from flying. And yet peole have gone so far as to recommend counseling and/or predicting that his marriage will fail because of her concern for his well being.

He asks how he can get back into flying recreationally and what, if anything he can do to help ease his so's concerns, and people in so many words, tell him to drop the bitch before its too late. Yeah, good advice that. She's obviously not marriage material what with her concern for his safety and all. :sarcasm: That would frustrate me as well.

thank god someone else understands!!!
He has said repeatedly in this thread that while his future wife has concerns for his safety, she would not forbid him from flying. And yet peole have gone so far as to recommend counseling and/or predicting that his marriage will fail because of her concern for his well being.

He asks how he can get back into flying recreationally and what, if anything he can do to help ease his SO's concerns, and people in so many words, tell him to drop the bitch before its too late. Yeah, good advice that. She's obviously not marriage material what with her concern for his safety and all. :sarcasm: That would frustrate me as well.

It is her fear of flying that is putting doubts in his head, therefore if she gets counseling (when did that become taboo?) she will get her problem treated and hopefully won't project her fears onto him. See, many of us are married and have dealt with stuff like this. He asked and got responses, some good and some not so good. He needs to weed through them and take what he wants from each of them.
It is her fear of flying that is putting doubts in his head, therefore if she gets counseling (when did that become taboo?) she will get her problem treated and hopefully won't project her fears onto him.
So any person who is unaware of the exact risks associated with flying and is also unaware of the procedures used to manage those risks and is therefore concerned when a loved one goes flying is a person who needs therapy?

Flying kills people. I think its reasonable for someone who doesn't know anything about aviaition to be nervous when someone they love does it. Maybe I missed something, but I don't think he ever suggested that her fears were anything more than that. And I think suggesting therapy as the best solution is a bit extreme.