[Toshiba] sold the Russkies some technology that we shared with them,...
[/ QUOTE ]
Man, do I remember THAT!!! I was interning for Congressman Sam Gibbons in the House of Representatives when that all went down. He was the chairman of the commitee (sad, I cannot remember the committee... I want to say it was a sub-committee on Trade.. but, I'm probably wrong.. been too long) that handled the matter.
Folks all over Amercia were taking Toshiba products and smashing them... and there was a lot of backlash against the Japanese.....
...however..... it was the Toshiba plant in Norway that sold the technology... not the Japs.
I had the distinct pleasure and honor of escorting the Ambassador of Norway over to the Capital building from the Rayburn Building for the meeting.
Let's just say that he exited the meeting with about half the ass he went in with.
Ahhh - good times. Good times.