I had 250 hours total in airplanes. I did not use any FTD time towards that total, and I dont think you're alowed to.
As far as knowing when my checkride was a few days ahead of time, that is nothing new. It gets scheduled when the examiner is available, and they let you know when it is, so you have time to study, and if it's too far out, you can schedule a review flight to keep sharp on the maneuvers. The only thing they dont tell you is who the examiner will be.
I am continuing with my training, and today I had my 1st of a whopping 2 commercial multi flights, then a stage check, then the checkride. I am looking forward to having some time off before CFI ground starts. I could use it, I've been going non-stop since we got back from Christmas break. So I already have another checkride coming up in the next few days, so I'll let you all know how I do.
The Turk