the grass is not always greener.....

This makes me want to spend less money on tuition by attending a state college rather than a private or more prestigious university for my Plan B undergraduate non-aviation degree. I plan to be in as little debt as possible, but from the comments made on that page, it seems that the debt incurred to get a degree from a prestigious university is not worth the loads of debt that you will have to repay after. It just makes me wonder. For right know, i have my mind set on attending the cheaper state college because after all, it is my Plan B.
It will be great fun watching Jtrain sell out after law school, taking a 6 figure job right out of law school with a Wall Street firm or perhaps a large energy company like Exxon. One of the great joys in life is watching young ideologues sell out and turn into prostitutes <EDITED ?w? with starts that prostitutes for word>like the rest of us. I had the advantage of always being willing and eager to sell out for corporate interests, so it caused no crisis of conscience for me. His posts will slowly start to get more conservative until he will soon have the following in his sig line:

Proud Member
JC Mini-Conservative Movement

I am looking forward to that day. Discussing high end foreign cars, places to summer, etc with Jtrain will be a blast. I can't wait till he can use his intellect to inform us of these things. Anyone want to place bets on how long it will take post law school?​
3800k is what I'm estimating I'll end up with by the end of the year. I had a line in January and then reserve up til now.

What if you dont get a 50k job, and its more like 25k?

You mean for a clerkship?

Let me attempt to explain to you what a clerkship is. It's much more like an incredibly low paying internship, and not so much a job. It's a ton of work, and an absolutely great experience, but it's not a career move. It's something you'd for for say maybe, a year, to move onward and upward.

Even working for the state as a prosecuting attorney you'd most likely make double that.

What you're saying is, "What if you ended up doing banner tow...FOR YOUR ENTIRE CAREER!" It sounds horrible, but it doesn't happen. First of all, because clerkships are hard to get and only go to the people in the absolute top of their class from the best schools.
It will be great fun watching Jtrain sell out after law school, taking a 6 figure job right out of law school with a Wall Street firm or perhaps a large energy company like Exxon. One of the great joys in life is watching young ideologues sell out and turn into prostitutes <edited ?w?="" with="" starts="" that="" prostitutes="" for="" word="">like the rest of us. I had the advantage of always being willing and eager to sell out for corporate interests, so it caused no crisis of conscience for me.

Hell Yea!
Integrity is overrated.

No joke, I actually say that pretty often. Usually with some kind of modifier like "Artistic integrity is overrated." I'm not even being sarcastic when I say it. There are numerous situations where I wouldn't give it a second thought before selling out.:D
Sully and his BS about not encouraging his children to be pilots.

Why do you call his statements BS? If you have children why would you want them to lose their pension and pay? He's looking out for their best interest. I think its a little arrogant to disrespect his statement by calling it "BS", when he's been in the industry alot longer than you have.

You even say it yourself in your statement, fight for "compensation and benefits." Do you seriously think thats going to happen as long as everyone lines up at the door waiting to fly a regional jet for meager wages? Maybe if his kids and everyone elses kids don't get into the industry their will be a shortage of pilots...

I'm not trying to attack you personally Trip, but I think pilots should support Sully and his statements. The guy is up there on a soapbox fighting for the better of the career when he doesn't even have to.
I don't see the irony. I'd have a decent lifestyle if I didn't have the motivation to do something else besides play video games or watch movies while on call. I'm a money motivated person and time is money, so I took the initiative to find an opportunity that was flexible enough that if I got called, I could drop everything I was doing and go to the airport. I don't sit around a complain about pay. If i need more money, I go get it.

Thanks for clarifying your situation. 38k as 2nd year pay sounds nice.

When I read the post to which I responded, it almost sounded like you were saying, "Yes you can make a decent living as a pilot...provided you have multiple sources of income outside of aviation." That's irony.
Most of these people, like many in this country, are part of the me generation. Why can't I have the 3000 sqr ft house, the boat and the car, by the time I am 30. Look at all those lawyers on the news, look at all the big lawyers in LA and NY. The new ones want it, but never asked any of those lawyers what they had to do to get to that point. Most would of sold their own mothers at some point. As for pilots, yes the pay sucks, but I look at it this way. I will work, with vacation, 172 days this year (gone from home, may not fly). I will make 64k without OT. So about, $375 a day. Any other job, will pay about 100k (my education and experience in another field). But I will work, at least 50-60 hours a week for 265 days, so about $375 a day. I would be working for the weekends and my two weeks a year. Never again, plus some new kid will be ready and willing to do it for half.
Thanks for clarifying your situation. 38k as 2nd year pay sounds nice.

When I read the post to which I responded, it almost sounded like you were saying, "Yes you can make a decent living as a pilot...provided you have multiple sources of income outside of aviation." That's irony.

No problem. Yeah 38k is decent on reserve. A line holding FO at my company makes much more. Now my decent base income is at one of the top paying regionals with a very new pilot contract. Most FOs at other lower paying regionals will never see 38/hr pay the entire time they are an FO. That is when a 2nd stream of income may be a requirement, and not an option, if you're stuck in the FO seat for quite some time.
Just to be real, this still doesn't change anything about which profession is better and it surely doesn't say this isn't as bad as some say. First, every job has its ups and downs depending on your employer. Second, as much as some guys on here love to go by numbers and such they find one article out of how many and that is suppose to change the game:confused: Third, who gives a rats bum-bum and negative replies are more likely to be said than a positive reply. We all know it's just about doing what you enjoy as a job or do a job to support your habit of what you enjoy and that is all that matters as long as all the bills are being paid.
Just to be real, this still doesn't change anything about which profession is better and it surely doesn't say this isn't as bad as some say. First, every job has its ups and downs depending on your employer. Second, as much as some guys on here love to go by numbers and such they find one article out of how many and that is suppose to change the game:confused: Third, who gives a rats bum-bum and negative replies are more likely to be said than a positive reply. We all know it's just about doing what you enjoy as a job or do a job to support your habit of what you enjoy and that is all that matters as long as all the bills are being paid.

Everything you said backs up exactly why I posted this. Every job has its ups and downs, and being a pilot isnt the worst job in the world, and every other job isnt better. So many guys on here think that if they were doing anything besides flying, they would make 150k a year, be home by 5pm everyday, and have all weekends and holidays off. This proves that isnt true, even for other careers that require a high investment, both personally and financially on the front end. You are exactly right, do what it is that you want to do, not what some clowns on the internet say does or doesnt work for them.
Everything you said backs up exactly why I posted this. Every job has its ups and downs, and being a pilot isnt the worst job in the world, and every other job isnt better. So many guys on here think that if they were doing anything besides flying, they would make 150k a year, be home by 5pm everyday, and have all weekends and holidays off. This proves that isnt true, even for other careers that require a high investment, both personally and financially on the front end. You are exactly right, do what it is that you want to do, not what some clowns on the internet say does or doesnt work for them.

I look at it like this, the odds against you are higher for getting rich in professional aviation. If you do choose to aim for that profession then more power to ya and I sincerely hope you can pay your bills. My thing is you can't go by one article and ignore the others and reply back saying this isn't so bad after all. I can guarantee you will find tons of working folks griping about their profession. Besides, don't be so naive to think there aren't other irresponsible variables that can make student loan repayment a struggle.
I look at it like this, the odds against you are higher for getting rich in professional aviation. If you do choose to aim for that profession then more power to ya and I sincerely hope you can pay your bills. My thing is you can't go by one article and ignore the others and reply back saying this isn't so bad after all. I can guarantee you will find tons of working folks griping about their profession. Besides, don't be so naive to think there aren't other irresponsible variables that can make student loan repayment a struggle.

The odds are against you for getting rich in ANY profession where you are working for someone else, because more than likely, the person you are working for is the one that is rich. 90% of the rich people I have networked with in ATL own their own business.
The odds are against you for getting rich in ANY profession where you are working for someone else, because more than likely, the person you are working for is the one that is rich. 90% of the rich people I have networked with in ATL own their own business.

Did I not say this "...the odds against you are higher for getting rich in professional aviation"? Does it mean the odds are for you in other professions?
To dispute that the odds are the same as in other professions is ridiculous.
Didn't know you have to own a business to be rich.