The best St. Louis airport


Well-Known Member
I'm Flying over to St. Louis tomorrow from kojc for some lunch. Any recommendation on airports? I'm looking for a fbo with a courtesy car and proximity to some good food. Right now I'm leaning towards KCPS.

CPS has Oilvers on the field, but not sure if they are open on weekends. I would call first. If they are, Ideal aviation has a crew car but someone has to take you there, they don't let the public take it. If you park at Jet Aviation (where the restruant is), expect a ramp fee starting at $25 for C172.

BTW, Oilvers has a great Ruben!
All I saw was KOJC and food. You have to run down to Miami county (K81) for the BBQ sometime, if you haven't done it before. Then, I saw St. Louis, and realized I've never flown over there.

Just curious, which FBO are you flying out of at OJC?
No kidding man. I love KCAC. I got my private finished up there, and I rent there when I'm home. However, I'm partial to the Archer III they've got. I love it. Small world
I'm not sure about food, but the coolest airport in St. Louis is Dauster Field in Creve Cour - 1H0

Many cool airplanes on the field, and a really great museum (Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum - or HARM). Seriously - lots of neat stuff to see. Lots of NORDO traffic to so see and be seen.
St. Charles County (i think its county not muni) is a great airport. It has a B-25 on the field that you can take a look around at. It also has a little bar type restraunt on the field and an Ozark airlines museum (never done it so not sure how good). There is also a DC-3 sitting on the ramp which is my favorite part.
Your best bets are SET and CPS. SUS doesn't have anything on field that I'm aware of, but it is within a short distance to a ton of your typical chain type places.
I'm not sure about food, but the coolest airport in St. Louis is Dauster Field in Creve Cour - 1H0

Many cool airplanes on the field, and a really great museum (Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum - or HARM). Seriously - lots of neat stuff to see. Lots of NORDO traffic to so see and be seen.


Very neat place, Creve Cour. It's what all small airports should be. If it were grass it'd be perfect.
Creve Courer is a great airport if anyone is hanging around... tons of great airlplanes on the field, however many are hangared.

If you fly into Spirit, Annie Guns is a great place to eat just down the road.

What time are you planning on flying in? I am expected back on town around 1700 local.
I did my training at St. Louis Regional in (KALN) over on the Illinois side. Langa Air used to let transient operators borrow the courtesy car and if you have a chance, you could take it down the street to a restaurant/bar called the Airliner. Pretty good Rueben sandwich and the fries are always fresh.
I ended up going to Jet aviation at KCPS, a real nice place. They let me drive a newer grand prix. We drove down to union station and got some lunch. I topped the fuel off and the woman at the desk bought me a soda, not a bad deal. No landing fees if you purchase fuel. By the time I got back to KOJC my infatuation with the DA-40 had come to an end. I will gladly trade the G1000 for some leg room any day of the week. It's a clean plane, nice true airspeed for the fuel burn, but it get's uncomfortable after a hour or so, ( I'm 6ft ). The one good selling point is the great visability. The next time I'm over that direction I will definitly stop at Dauster Field.
By the time I got back to KOJC my infatuation with the DA-40 had come to an end. I will gladly trade the G1000 for some leg room any day of the week. It's a clean plane, nice true airspeed for the fuel burn, but it get's uncomfortable after a hour or so, ( I'm 6ft ). The one good selling point is the great visability. The next time I'm over that direction I will definitly stop at Dauster Field.
Interesting. Rumor has it that UAA is looking at DA-40s.
Turn south at St.Louis a few miles to Sikeston and eat at Lamberts. They will pick you up at the airport and bring you through the back door (no waiting). It's good stuff.
CPS and Jet Aviation would be my choice. Close to the city, and just enough of a "GA Field" feeling that you don't feel like you're about to get run over by a 757 at every turn. Ideal is more of a "traditional" small time FBO, but the guy who runs it has forbidden non-customers from using the bathroom, even if it's 12am, sleeting, and everything else is closed. Jet Aviation is definitely a "corporate" sort of place, but they're reasonably efficient and nice to the little guy (or the cargo scum). Speaking of which, did you happen to see an extremely weatherbeaten mitsi parked over on the west ramp? :) Glad you enjoyed your visit to St. Loser. Now if you're smart you'll escape before you're sucked in and can't leave.
I ended up going to Jet aviation at KCPS, a real nice place. They let me drive a newer grand prix. We drove down to union station and got some lunch. I topped the fuel off and the woman at the desk bought me a soda, not a bad deal. No landing fees if you purchase fuel. By the time I got back to KOJC my infatuation with the DA-40 had come to an end. I will gladly trade the G1000 for some leg room any day of the week. It's a clean plane, nice true airspeed for the fuel burn, but it get's uncomfortable after a hour or so, ( I'm 6ft ). The one good selling point is the great visability. The next time I'm over that direction I will definitly stop at Dauster Field.

Yeah, that is one of the primary reasons I'm not checked out in the DA-40 at KCAC. I'd much rather take their PA28-181 with the Avidyne for $10/hr cheaper. Sure, you loose like 15 knots, but really, the comfort levels aren't comparable. Sounds like you had fun.
CPS and Jet Aviation would be my choice. Close to the city, and just enough of a "GA Field" feeling that you don't feel like you're about to get run over by a 757 at every turn. Ideal is more of a "traditional" small time FBO, but the guy who runs it has forbidden non-customers from using the bathroom, even if it's 12am, sleeting, and everything else is closed. Jet Aviation is definitely a "corporate" sort of place, but they're reasonably efficient and nice to the little guy (or the cargo scum). Speaking of which, did you happen to see an extremely weatherbeaten mitsi parked over on the west ramp? :) Glad you enjoyed your visit to St. Loser. Now if you're smart you'll escape before you're sucked in and can't leave.

Didn't see the Mits, only a great looking Aerostar and C310. I did take a wrong turn out of the airport and ended up in the hood. Not exactly a post card type place.:bandit: A few left turns and I was back across the state line.

Yeah, that is one of the primary reasons I'm not checked out in the DA-40 at KCAC. I'd much rather take their PA28-181 with the Avidyne for $10/hr cheaper. Sure, you loose like 15 knots, but really, the comfort levels aren't comparable. Sounds like you had fun.

I took a look at the archer, I'm not exactly sold on it. To tell you the truth I'm headed over to Air associates next chance I get to check out one of their 172s, with out the glass.
I took a look at the archer, I'm not exactly sold on it. To tell you the truth I'm headed over to Air associates next chance I get to check out one of their 172s, with out the glass.

Good stuff. I've never rented out of Air Associates before. They seemed to always have somewhat high prices in my opinion, but I suppose you could say the same about KCAC.
Good stuff. I've never rented out of Air Associates before. They seemed to always have somewhat high prices in my opinion, but I suppose you could say the same about KCAC.

Ever been to Rebel Aviation? Roosterville airport out by Liberty. The guy rents a 150 for $68/hr. The catch is the runway is 3000 x 20. I went to check the place out the other day, but they guy wasn't there. but really I'm sure that's not the only catch...