The barbarians have come knocking at the gates for SWA


Well-Known Member
Looks like the lackluster performance at SWA has attracted the attention of the vultures.

I agree there has to be a change, and leadership’s glacial response to the market shifting around them has been discouraging to watch. I’ll also say that I’m way more comfortable with the devil I know than the one I don’t.

Time will tell I guess.
Here is their letter to the Board of Directors this morning. There isn't anything in there that I disagree with on the surface but after living though a private equity takeover of my first employer (AirNet), which was under radically different circumstances still leaves me gun-shy about any of these types.

Looks like I'm going to have to bite the commuting bullet and upgrade now, and I hate commuting.
There’s this guy….name is Lorenzo I think….anyhow, he loves the airline biz. Might be a good fit to take the helm of the company there.
My three colleagues who previously worked at WN were talking about this on our call this morning. Not a lot they disagreed with in the letter.
There’s this guy….name is Lorenzo I think….anyhow, he loves the airline biz. Might be a good fit to take the helm of the company there.
There’s this guy….name is Lorenzo I think….anyhow, he loves the airline biz. Might be a good fit to take the helm of the company there.

He would be 84 now and I thought he was banned from being involved in airline ownership years ago.
He would be 84 now and I thought he was banned from being involved in airline ownership years ago.

I believe that is correct. Fallout from the Eastern debacle.

You ruined my perfectly good quip. My quip was working. And you ruined it. :) :) :)
Here is their letter to the Board of Directors this morning. There isn't anything in there that I disagree with on the surface but after living though a private equity takeover of my first employer (AirNet), which was under radically different circumstances still leaves me gun-shy about any of these types.

Looks like I'm going to have to bite the commuting bullet and upgrade now, and I hate commuting.
Private equity ruins everything it touches.
This Elliott company has an odd portfolio. They own Barnes & Noble, Cabelas, Softbank (lol), and famously called for the ouster of Jack Dorsey at Twitter (they got out when Muskman made his offer). They seem to be a one-trick act of huffing and puffing until there's some austerity and maybe a noble is goosed-out of their position.