The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Yes Rambo, Wookies read English very well. If the Constitution was so 'black and white', then why are there THOUSANDS of cases a year challenging the Constitutionality of 'such and such'. I lived with law students for three years and the Constitutional Law classes are extremely complex and layered. If it was 'black and white', then why is jtrain609 spending a lot of time and money studying the Law surrounding the Constitution?

My dear wookie, this isn't something that is yet to be challenged. It's already been challenged. The fascist scumbags in D.C. tried to outlaw handguns, and Mr. Heller took them to court. The SCOTUS ruled against the city, and said that bans of guns that are "in common use" are unconstitutional. As there are millions upon millions of "assault rifles" held by private citizens, they are clearly "in common use," and therefore the SCOTUS has already ruled on this issue. It doesn't need to be challenged again, and it doesn't require a "scholar" to figure out how they ruled.

Just admit that you don't understand this subject, and you're reacting based upon emotion.
My dear wookie, this isn't something that is yet to be challenged. It's already been challenged. The fascist scumbags in D.C. tried to outlaw handguns, and Mr. Heller took them to court. The SCOTUS ruled against the city, and said that bans of guns that are "in common use" are unconstitutional. As there are millions upon millions of "assault rifles" held by private citizens, they are clearly "in common use," and therefore the SCOTUS has already ruled on this issue. It doesn't need to be challenged again, and it doesn't require a "scholar" to figure out how they ruled.

Just admit that you don't understand this subject, and you're reacting based upon emotion.

Me being emotional about this? Nope.

The only emotion is coming from the gun folks when you mention the words 'Second Amendment' and 'ban/background check/assault/handgun' in the same sentence. Furthermore, when you stand on a soap box and tell others they have no idea what they are talking about, it is usually the other way around.
Not when read with the rest of the decision. The "common use" explanation pretty much destroys any ability to ban a weapon beyond automatic weapons. As stated above, they basically just upheld the National Firearms Act. Granted, I personally think that's a violation of the 2nd Amendment, but I'm not on the SCOTUS, so I have to live with their ruling. Maybe some others should learn to live with it as well.

Any idea on what percentage of the population owns an assault rifle? Just wondering if really fits under "common use" if it is 5% or some other relatively small number? I have no idea what the actual number is; just pondering different ways to look at the issue.
Any idea on what percentage of the population owns an assault rifle? Just wondering if really fits under "common use" if it is 5% or some other relatively small number? I have no idea what the actual number is; just pondering different ways to look at the issue.
The AR-15 (including all of its variants) is probably the most popular rifle in the USA. It's popular enough you can buy one at Wal-Mart.
Me being emotional about this? Nope.

The only emotion is coming from the gun folks when you mention the words 'Second Amendment' and 'ban/background check/assault/handgun' in the same sentence. Furthermore, when you stand on a soap box and tell others they have no idea what they are talking about, it is usually the other way around.

Then enlighten us, and not using vague, out of context examples. You claim others to be Constitution scholars as an insult, well, its our job, and YOUR job, as Americans to be Constitution scholars, interpret things for ourselves, then put the people in who we want to uphold our viewpoint. I think you forget we are our own government, and quite consistently I might add.
Yes Rambo, Wookies read English very well. If the Constitution was so 'black and white', then why are there THOUSANDS of cases a year challenging the Constitutionality of 'such and such'. I lived with law students for three years and the Constitutional Law classes are extremely complex and layered. If it was 'black and white', then why is jtrain609 spending a lot of time and money studying the Law surrounding the Constitution?

Probably for the same reason you had a petition for a death star or a petition to get piers Morgan deported actually get to the president's desk. People are stupid.

To somehow assume gun control laws would change anything is short sighted. America is flooded with more guns than people. Thinking a few laws will change that is stupid. Especially when the laws involve stuff that is only a drop in the bucket such as this assault rifle ban some people are pushing.

According to the FBI only 3.7% of murders involved a rifle in 2011. Assault rifles are then a fraction of that 3.7%. Would this actually reduce murders or would they just use a normal rifle, pistol, or shotgun instead of the AR?

One of the most "successful" school shootings involved pistols with only ten round mags. Perfectly legal under these gun control law ideas we find politicians trying to push around. FYI there were over 30 dead and several more wounded at Virginia Tech.

Like I said. The only thing gun control law does is hurt law abiding citizens while not stopping gun related violence.

It is exactly like DRM in the computer world. DRM doesn't stop pirates and the legit consumer ends up having to deal with the red tape.
Any idea on what percentage of the population owns an assault rifle? Just wondering if really fits under "common use" if it is 5% or some other relatively small number? I have no idea what the actual number is; just pondering different ways to look at the issue.

As far as new gun sales, I'd guess that AR-15 and it's multitude of variations amount for at least 20% of rifle sales.
Any idea on what percentage of the population owns an assault rifle? Just wondering if really fits under "common use" if it is 5% or some other relatively small number? I have no idea what the actual number is; just pondering different ways to look at the issue.

See, the problem here is that the people who want to talk of banning these things don't even know the slightest thing about them. An AR-15 is an incredibly common gun. People use them for everything from target shooting, to hunting, to home defense. It's no more a "military weapon" than a .357 revolver is. People like Seggy get all scared and wet their pants because it's painted black instead of having a wood finish like they think a hunting rifle is supposed to have. In reality, these weapons are incredibly common, are responsible for very few deaths, and have many legitimate uses.
Then enlighten us, and not using vague, out of context examples. You claim others to be Constitution scholars as an insult, well, its our job, and YOUR job, as Americans to be Constitution scholars, interpret things for ourselves, then put the people in who we want to uphold our viewpoint. I think you forget we are our own government, and quite consistently I might add.

We THINK we are our own government, but unfortunately, it is really controlled by special interests. Look at Citizens United as an example.
Join a militia, then word for word you are protected by the constitution.

Any attempt to disarm you would no longer have merit.

Oh, wait, per the militia act of 1903, all able bodies men between the ages of 17 and 45 who are not members of the armed forces are part of the "unorganized militia " , as recognized by congress.

I fail to see how any restriction to my right to bear arms is constitutional, and as part of a militia ( jokingly used) I will continue to uphold and protect the constitution. - buys a new gun online-