
Aw Hell...Owe well, Montrose Regional Coming up...I'll canel out with the BE76 and justhead up to Montrose. Thanks for the information guys, saved me from really trying to do it.
I've never been there, so I didn't give my input, but I will now: That option sounds like a smarter choice.
Hey Guys, I am back from a long hiatus.

I live in Telluride. It is a great airport, I did my primary training here. I would not be afraid of this place. It can get nasty though. The basic local rules are: if it is blowing out of the South, watch out and consider MTJ. Anytime you are taking off, which is 99% of the time on 27, use every inch of the runway. While taking off keep your speed above Vx (basically go as fast as you can while gaining a bit of altitude) until you have past the over the cliff on the W end of the runway. While landing straight in on 9, keep your speed up and watch every sock all the way down the runway, it can be switchy. DO NOT GO FULL RICH ON THE MIXTURE FOR LANDING, if you do you will most likely stall the plane on the runway. This is seriously high density alitude.

Airport fees: $4 for a single/day

Listen to the AWOS for noise abatement procedures while flying in.

Don't fly over the ski area and the adjacent homes.

Have a great time, it is so beautiful here, like no other place.

Catch a ride into town the taxi ($8) and grab a burger at Fat Alley or go to La Cucina del Luz for Mexican.
Listen to the AWOS for noise abatement procedures while flying in.
Don't fly over the ski area and the adjacent homes.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're serious about this aren't you.

This "noise abatement" sh*t has got to come to an end. As if just flying in and out of the place isn't tricky enough the locals have the •ing gall to put up noise abatement procedures?

What a crock of sh*t.

Did my flight today. Flew from Corpus to Montrose. Left at about 5:30 and made it for 2:40 (Central to Mountain). Stoped at the FBO for a fueling talked to a CFI out at Montrose and he said he was sure as hell I could make it to Telluride. Jumped right back in the C-172 after a refuel and made the flight in fairly cool weather. Was no problem at all came in with light winds and took down on rwy 09 and taxied in to Mountain Aviation Services (General Aviation building) talked to a neat guy by the name of 'Glider Bob' who flies this motorized German glider. Then went into Bear Creek Lodge where I'm staying for two nites. Then I'll head up to, a couple near by towns. Nice place and thanks for all the information!
That's great that the winds were calm and you made it in safely, but the real danger is when you leave. Please make sure (if you have 3 people onboard still) to leave early in the morning. Once the heat kicks in up there, the density altitude goes through the roof. I used to fly all around Colorado in a 172...they are fine as long as you are careful not to push it when the temperature starts heating up.
Thanks man, I will leave at Sunrise and the day I'm leaving is forcasting 49 degrees at sunrise ( is never right though)...
Someone posted something about single engine service ceiling in the duchess. It doesn't have one. It weighs less than 6,000lbs and stall speed is below 65 or something like that. FARS say your max gross must be above 6000 and stall speed above 65 to be required to have a single engine service ceiling. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
No I think you're thinking of the requirements to display a positive rate of climb when one engine goes in-op.

All twins have a SESC.

Some just aren't that great. i.e. the Seminole has something like 3,000 feet I think?