Hiya, BoDEAN!
Teaching ground school is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences one can have in the aviation education field - not to mention that it can also be one of the most aggravating and frustrating experiences at the same time!
Jepp books are just fine for most all the courses, too. Remember, in a formal lecture-based ground school, it's the instructor's presentation of the material within the scope of the subject area that matters more so than the specific text that is used to supplement the lectures. After all, a student learns better with sight and sound (yes, and sometimes even feel!) than by sight (reading) alone.
First, you need to read the book. Evaluate the flow of the material being presented.
Now start writing lesson plans and lecture outlines. Set each lecture up to be completed in a 45-50 minute time period, so you can give 'em a break every hour. Write your lesson plan just the way you were taught in CFI training. Give yourself a viable objective that can be reached within the hour's time frame, outline the specific subject areas that will need to be covered within the hour, and jot down some measurable completion standards.
Now take that section of the text and outline the high points. Go into as much detail (or maybe a bit more!) as you think you will need to talk about the subject area without sticking your nose in the book all the time. Add page number references and references to other study materials in the margins so that you (and your students) can refer to them if needed.
I will generally write my lecture outlines in 4 sections: Introduction, elements, quiz questions, and review. The introduction is my "spiel" about what I'm going to teach them and why. The elements section is the actual outline of material along with the references. The quiz section contains questions I can ask (either written or oral) during or after the lecture to ensure adequate learning has occurred. The review hits the highlights of the material again, with emphasis on safety aspects, and confirms that the objectives of the lecture (the “introduction” section) has indeed been completed.
Sound like lots of work? It is. It takes 3 or more hours for me to set up for a 1-hour lecture. Then, once I’ve actually given the lecture, I make notes and adjustments as needed for the next time around! After 3 or 4 repetitions, you end up with a superb set of lessons that you can use forever! I now have in excess of 600 hours of aviation education lectures on file, and the number just keeps on growing! (And before anyone asks…No, they are not for sale or lease!)
Enjoy your stint behind the lectern!
…and above all,