Tail Icing Video from NASA

Great find Dr. Forred!!! It's been a little hard to follow some of the threads around here regarding icing and this just put it all into perspective. Thanks a bunch!
We had to watch that video at UND in what seemed almost every aviation ground school course. While we all got tired of being forced to watch the same video, I think it did us a good favor to learn the flight characteristics of a tail stall.
Thanks for posting this link Doc-it was almost funny to hear the NASA test pilots state toward the end after the demonstration-
"And that's about as far as WE"re gonna go!"
Hopefully I will never encounter a tailplane icing situation.
A normal recovery attempt would Bite so fast, if already low and slow, NOBODY could recover!
Very informative. Here's a case where our tax dollars have been put to good use. Should be required viewing for those who fly in ice.
I just realized the good Doctor posted outside the hallowed halls of his domain! Of course, it's totally show-stoppingly appropriate.
He prolly waited for somebody else to do it as long as he could stand it, but nevertheless- I'll add this to the list of "I ain't NEVER seen this before".
I love NASA. When people say they already have too big of a budget as it is and we need to cut it back even more I feel like kicking them in the nuts.
Thanks for the post Doc. My only regret is that I didn't see it before one heck of an icy winter flying up north!
Excellent, excellent, excellent video. This will be a must-watch video for all the pilots who try to tell me, "Ahhh, these Cessnas can handle a bit of ice no problem."
I've been paranoid about icing since I started flying. I know that it, along with thunderstorms, are 2 weather conditions that can bite you really quick. It just worries me that I may be faced with this condition eventually and not make the correct decision in order to save the aircraft. I'm sure this paranoia comes from studying these past icing crashes in which experienced pilots failed to save the aircraft, and all perished. I guess the best practice is to attempt to avoid it all together, even if your aircraft has ice protection. It's obvious that ice protection doesn't guarantee anything if it's bad enough. (and that the autopilot can be your worst enemy at times)