Sully speaks


Well-Known Member

The pilot who safely ditched a jetliner in New York's Hudson River said Tuesday that pay and benefit cuts are driving experienced pilots from careers in the cockpit.

US Airways pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger told the House aviation subcommittee that his pay has been cut 40 percent in recent years and his pension has been terminated and replaced with a promise "worth pennies on the dollar" from the federally created Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. These cuts followed a wave of airline bankruptcies after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks compounded by the current recession, he said.

"The bankruptcies were used by some as a fishing expedition to get what they could not get in normal times," Sullenberger said of the airlines. He said the problems began with the deregulation of the industry in the 1970s.

The reduced compensation has placed "pilots and their families in an untenable financial situation," Sullenberger said. "I do not know a single, professional airline pilot who wants his or her children to follow in their footsteps."

The subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee heard from the crew of Flight 1549, the air traffic controller who handled the flight and aviation experts to examine what safety lessons could be learned from the Jan. 15 accident which all 155 people aboard survived.

Sullenberger's copilot Jeffrey B. Skiles said unless federal laws are revised to improve labor-management relations "experienced crews in the cockpit will be a thing of the past." And Sullenberger added that without experienced pilots "we will see negative consequences to the flying public."

Sullenberger himself has started a consulting business to help make ends meet. Skiles added, "For the last six years, I have worked seven days a week between my two jobs just to maintain a middle class standard of living."

The air traffic controller who handled Flight 1549 said thought he was hearing a death sentence when Sullenberger radioed that he was ditching in the Hudson.

"I believed at that moment I was going to be the last person to talk to anyone on that plane alive," controller Patrick Harten testified in his first public description of his reactions to last month's miracle landing.

"People don't survive landings on the Hudson River. I thought it was his own death sentence," the 10-year veteran controller testified.

But Sullenberger safely glided the Airbus A320 into the river after it collided with birds and lost power in both engines.

Harten, who has spent his entire career at the radar facility in Westbury, N.Y., that handles air traffic within 40 miles of three major airports, struggled vainly to help get the airliner safely to a landing strip.

Making lightning-quick decisions, Harten communicated with 14 other entities in the three minutes after the bird strike as he diverted other aircraft and advised controllers elsewhere to hold aircraft and clear runways for 1549.

First, Harten tried to return the plane to LaGuardia Airport, asking the airport's tower to clear runway 13. But Sullenberger calmly reported: "We're unable."

Then Harten offered another LaGuardia runway. Again, Sullenberger reported, "Unable." He said he might be able to make Teterboro Airport in New Jersey.

But when Harten directed Sullenberger to turn onto a heading for Teterboro, the pilot responded: "We can't do it .... We're going to be in the Hudson."

"I asked him to repeat himself even though I heard him just fine," said Harten. "I simply could not wrap my mind around those words."

At that moment, Harten said he lost radio contact with flight and was certain it "had gone down."

Afterward, Harten said he told his wife, "I felt like I had been hit by a bus."

NTSB investigators have said bird remains found in both engines of the downed plane have been identified as Canada geese.

Sullenberger and Skiles said anyone who's spent much time in cockpits has encountered bird strikes but that this one was exceptionally severe in knocking out both engines. Some gulls don't even dent the airplane, Skiles said, but this "was a bigger bird than I've ever hit before."

The crew and passengers of a helicopter that crashed en route to an oil platform on Jan. 4 weren't as lucky. The National Transportation Safety Board reported Monday that investigators have found evidence birds were involved in the accident near Morgan City, La., that killed eight of nine people aboard
Pilots have been saying this for years. Hopefully now people will listen. Awesome article, thanks for speaking up.
Sadly the majors continue to outsource their flights to the regionals, even in these times. SO unless regionals/majors start giving their pilots better pay and more importantly MGMT start being more responsible...We will not see any improvements.

(PS I work for a regional:D)
PCL, Jtrain and I got into a discussion months back about ALPA and P.R.

PCL and JTrain explained why it was a waste of money, and they convinced me that it was as well.

That said, a full page ad in USA Today wouldn't be a bad move at this point - and probably cheaper than it has been in a while. The point of the ad would be to highlight what has happened to pilot pay, workrules, etc...while painting the people that run the airlines as horrible greed-#####s. Call attention to the 40% pay cuts and pension theft, and then post the bonuses of the management teams. Play into peoples disgust with executives right now. Wouldn't hurt anything.
PCL, Jtrain and I got into a discussion months back about ALPA and P.R.

PCL and JTrain explained why it was a waste of money, and they convinced me that it was as well.

That said, a full page ad in USA Today wouldn't be a bad move at this point - and probably cheaper than it has been in a while. The point of the ad would be to highlight what has happened to pilot pay, workrules, etc...while painting the people that run the airlines as horrible greed-#####s. Call attention to the 40% pay cuts and pension theft, and then post the bonuses of the management teams. Play into peoples disgust with executives right now. Wouldn't hurt anything.

THat's great idea.
PCL, Jtrain and I got into a discussion months back about ALPA and P.R.

PCL and JTrain explained why it was a waste of money, and they convinced me that it was as well.

That said, a full page ad in USA Today wouldn't be a bad move at this point - and probably cheaper than it has been in a while. The point of the ad would be to highlight what has happened to pilot pay, workrules, etc...while painting the people that run the airlines as horrible greed-#####s. Call attention to the 40% pay cuts and pension theft, and then post the bonuses of the management teams. Play into peoples disgust with executives right now. Wouldn't hurt anything.

And they could include this... (stolen from another website)

The charts below contain compiled data from years 2000-2007. Some items of interest are:

Our load factors have increased 14.8%.
37.9% of our flying jobs have disappeared.
Wages and Benefits have declined 45.1%.
Management Salary Expense has increased 33.9%.
Pilot wage expense decreased 44.1%.
Management cost per average passenger fare has increased 142.6%.
Pilot wage/salary cost of an average ticket fare has decreased 28.2%.
(Years 2000-2007 for all data)*

* Based on information concerning US Airways.
That said, a full page ad in USA Today wouldn't be a bad move at this point - and probably cheaper than it has been in a while. The point of the ad would be to highlight what has happened to pilot pay, workrules, etc...while painting the people that run the airlines as horrible greed-#####s. Call attention to the 40% pay cuts and pension theft, and then post the bonuses of the management teams. Play into peoples disgust with executives right now. Wouldn't hurt anything.


Certainly understand the feelings but after the ad was posted and the public made aware of the situation you describe, what would you expect the public to do with that information ?

If the ad doesn't generate action from the public, it wasn't worth the expense...and the public is NOT likely to do anything about airline pilot problems no matter how disgusted they might be with airline management.

Airline pilot's problems are the problems of airline pilots...who happen to be the only people who can solve them.

The public has never cared...and never will. Can't think of a reason why they should. Sorry 'bout that...:D
What's the deal with the controller? As far as pay, this is a doomed industry, there's too much competition in an industry where you spend 2 to make 1. What are people expecting? Until there are only a handful of airlines the pay will go lower and lower.
And they could include this... (stolen from another website)

The charts below contain compiled data from years 2000-2007. Some items of interest are:

Our load factors have increased 14.8%.
37.9% of our flying jobs have disappeared.
Wages and Benefits have declined 45.1%.
Management Salary Expense has increased 33.9%.
Pilot wage expense decreased 44.1%.
Management cost per average passenger fare has increased 142.6%.
Pilot wage/salary cost of an average ticket fare has decreased 28.2%.
(Years 2000-2007 for all data)*

* Based on information concerning US Airways.

WOW!! Do you have a link?
Well, nothing Scully said will amount to anything, IMHO.

The flying public, truly, could not care less how much or how little we make, so long as they get to where they are going (a) safely; (b) cheaply; and (c) on time.

Outside of that, they don't care.
It's not "ignorance" so much as it is ambivolance.

Please people, don't put any stock in a gentleman like Scully saying anything regarding the downward trend in salary/pensions.

It's not as if airlines will read this and think "Well if Scully thinks we need to pay the pilots more money...then we should!"

His comments will not amount to higher salaries and a return to the heyday pilot compensation.
Well, nothing Scully said will amount to anything, IMHO.

The flying public, truly, could not care less how much or how little we make, so long as they get to where they are going (a) safely; (b) cheaply; and (c) on time.

Outside of that, they don't care.

Yep. The complexites of our industry are too much for most people to wrap their head around. They don't care about us. They care about point A to point B really realy cheap. It is up to us to take care ourselves. No matter what we make Joe 6 pack will probably think we make too much.
I remember the Netjets promo video where the CEO mentioned that they upped the recent contract for NJ pilots because they are the face of Netjets and they determine if the customer likes or dislikes the product. It's a nice concept but as airline pilots locked behind doors, pleading to the public is a moot point.
Well, nothing Scully said will amount to anything, IMHO.

The flying public, truly, could not care less how much or how little we make, so long as they get to where they are going (a) safely; (b) cheaply; and (c) on time.

Outside of that, they don't care.

Who cares what the public thinks.

He was speaking to congress.

They have some say over labor laws and that is some of what he spoke about.
Who cares what the public thinks.

He was speaking to congress.

They have some say over labor laws and that is some of what he spoke about.
Do you really think Congress cares what we make? If you think they'll give any weight to a word Scully said, you're sorely mistaken.

Congress paraded Scully in front of them for CSPAN because he's the latest face of aviation. In a week or two, they'll forget his name and anything he had to say.