SUCKS being grounded...

yes..dont want a paycheck... i'd fly for food, ill live under the wings :)...

I identify with with you in the sense that 1) I'm changing careers to flying and 2) I used to think the same way back when I was a student. However, as you continue spending lots of time, training and $$$ to become a professional pilot, you will realize that you want to be compensated appropriately. And you will realize that some people will exploit your willingness to fly for free, to the detriment of folks that should legitimately be paid. Search PFT/PFJ, and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Isnt it the worst feelin ever to have to drive to "work" every single day crossing the approach end of a beautiful airport (KAUS) watching those beautiful birds flying right above u , touching down in a puff of smoke in the distance... and telling urself... '.. one day... ' .

Your avatar says Vero Beach, but you're in Austin?
I've been grounded for almost three months because of medical issues. I'm itching to go flying again. But the way the economy is right now I'm just happy I'm on the ground and have a job.
god, i wish i was flying.... just .. out of this cube.... up there in that big blue sky. im back to work,save,fly mode....

You'll get over it. Seriously, it happens.

Yeah, I'd love to go flying again. But paying over a hundred bucks an hour to tool around in a C172 just doesn't work from a financial standpoint. Like so much in aviation, it just can't be cost justified.

I pay $500 to play hockey for a season, and that gets me 25 games plus playoff games. Each game lasts 45 minutes. That means I get around 19 hours to play hockey, which I find just as enjoyable as flying.

For that money, I would get less than five hours of flight time.

Or, I could go skiing for a week in Colorado for around $1200. Assuming I'm a slacker and only ski for five hours a day, that's 35 hours of time spent ripping it up on the mountain. That would buy me maybe 11 hours of flight time.

It's a pretty easy decision.
I identify with with you in the sense that 1) I'm changing careers to flying and 2) I used to think the same way back when I was a student. However, as you continue spending lots of time, training and $$$ to become a professional pilot, you will realize that you want to be compensated appropriately. And you will realize that some people will exploit your willingness to fly for free, to the detriment of folks that should legitimately be paid. Search PFT/PFJ, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Ive got abt 40K in student loans, im already there Charlie1017. and thanks KILLBILLY for pointing that out.. just changed it, i was in vero for my flight training.
Well... if I'm not flying over 75.83 hours a month (our guarantee) then I'd rather not fly at all. It's all about the dollar dollar bill yall and maximizing my time at home :)
yes..dont want a paycheck... i'd fly for food, ill live under the wings :).. and JTRAIN, for me.. nothing would be better than flying for a living. as i always say, If u LOVE what u do, you will never work another day in your life. There is nothing more beautiful than sharing the beautiful sky with the birds that gracefully soar way up high....

Actually, I'd disagree. There's nothing more beautiful than my wife, and I'd like to keep her around.

That involves not being a dead beat, unemployed husband because my "dream job" of flying laid me off.
Actually, I'd disagree. There's nothing more beautiful than my wife, and I'd like to keep her around.

That involves not being a dead beat, unemployed husband because my "dream job" of flying laid me off.

Oh dont get me wrong JTrain, I LOVE the woman in my life more than ANYthing in this world.. and I WILL give up flying in a heart beat if that is what she wanted. She is the most wonderful person ive ever met... and i will do anything to keep her happy.

what I was trying to say was, the only thing i would LOVE to do every single day for the rest of my life as an occupation would be flying... anything with airplanes.. from banner tow to captain... anything. For me its not the Title but the gift of flight that im after.
Relationship are tough. It really depends on your mind set, will a lady help support your lifestyle if she doesn't have a job. Flying is a great feeling and I would hate for a women to screw that feeling up.
I agree that the family is important but the person you are with should understand and accept the ups and downs that comes with aviation, although many don't. You satisfying your wife's needs should not lead you to give up everything you like. I don't mean to come off selfish but no reason you should lead a unfulfilled life to satisfy someone else because problems will arise. I'm not saying to be unreasonable and stay unemployed if avoidable either, but I'm not one for throwing in the towel on something that I'm truly passionate about after a couple of rough experiences.

To the OP, i know that feeling you are talking about but don't say you would fly for free if your goal is a career in aviation. That's a bad thing for everyone, yourself included.