Well, not if we make the really-big, sci-fi-film, rotation-around-an-axis-artificial-gravitational-field space ship. Just think of the economic benefits (to the contractors) of such a behemoth!With a couple of exceptions, like the dark matter project, there’s not a lot of significant research going on up there.
Most of the research involves how humans react to living in space environments. Our bodies hate space and deep space travel is a whimsical dream.
Then again, that would assume that all those "-nauts" were awake and walking around exercising their "natural" antigravity skeletal and muscular systems... And awake, then they'd have, what? If they started young, another 40-60 years useful life to make a minimum 1000 light-year journey? Yeah, good luck with your ongoing Federal expenditure suck! You're certainly earning it!