St. Bart's Overrun

Landing distance over an obstacle? Did you watch the video? The AIRPLAE was completely capable of making the landing. The PILOT was not, at least in that instance.

As for the guy who says that twins are draggy when the motors are at idle... what do you think turboprops do when they're at idle??? They're even better for slowing power! A caravan is the fastest thing inside the marker if you know how to fly it. You can do 160 until the RA calls out 500' and then pull the power to idle (in IMC if you're comfortable with the a/c), put in flaps 10 degrees and touch down at 90 knots in a caravan right on the 1000' markers and be stopped in less than 1000'. The aztruck is different, but if you're not down, go around. The brakes on all airplanes suck. Just make that your mantra. If beta won't stop it, just keep goin'.

The guy made a bad judgement call. It happens to all of us, most of the time not in such perilous situations. Whens the last time you accidentally landed long?

Yeah...I think thats pretty much what we are all trying to say...most airplanes can only do what the loose nut behind the controls makes it do!
it looks like you might pick up a lot of airspeed while going down that hill because you're in ground effect. If you don't pull back the power enough, I can see that screwing you..
"I've done this 100times, no problem...well, we need to get on the ground...we really need to get on the ground...ahhH!"

On a more serious note, hang that sucker on the prop if you're going in there with a full load, and if you don't hit the first bit of paint, through the whips to it.
The camera guy rocks...
"That...kind of...blows"
What he is really saying is,
"If everybody walks away, that was totally awesome. I can't believe I just saw that. The guys will never believe this. Good thing i have it on tape."
He/she nailed the centerline though....

Please... way too fast before the flare... and I thought "go around at least four times during the floating...

Nice skid marks!
Ahh. Thank you. That makes sense now.

It's not exactly the shortfield method people like (because if you lose a motor you're hosed) but it works great when you need to touch down at point X (and no farther). This would seem like one of those times.

Spacial Awareness would also no doubt be critical in a situation such as this, know where you're wheels are in reference to the ground in the flare (e.g. 6" as opposed to 3') Yeah it sounds ridiculous, but all of us do it to a certain extant subconciously, and all of us know that usually our worst landings are the ones that surprise us, like, "Ok, I'm in the flare and-BAM-DAMMIT!"