Spirit WARN notice news…

Don’t they announce this months ago?
Yeah, the surplus and anticipated furlough was announced Some Time Back, along with the closure of ACY and opening of EWR. And I think the bid in question was actually already awarded but the effective date was in September (?).

WARN has a closer in threshold than the contractual processes.
Buddy of mine found out when he went to the airport and all the airline signage was removed. After cycling through about 6 phone numbers, the owner's wife told him "we closed up last night, guess someone should a told you" (insert moose joke here).

They stiffed him for a not-inconsequential amount of money to boot.
Buddy of mine found out when he went to the airport and all the airline signage was removed. After cycling through about 6 phone numbers, the owner's wife told him "we closed up last night, guess someone should a told you" (insert moose joke here).

They stiffed him for a not-inconsequential amount of money to boot.

Beats showing up to find the doors padlocked shut, and a guy in an FBI windbreaker leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette telling you to leave.
If I can help anyone, and their stuff is in order, please feel free to reach out.

Our hiring plans have not changed.

Being highly motivated is extremely helpful if not required.

Doug can you share how many you guys plan to hire by the end the year?
This world lacks empathy. If I was running a company and someone suggested management raises while we were laying off employees, they’d be the first ones in line at unemployment.
It’s fairly common for higher ups to get retention bonuses when a business is teetering. Otherwise all the key players would move to other jobs and the organization would be in a deeper hole. Having your CFO leave during a time of tightened liquidity could very well be the end of the company.
It’s fairly common for higher ups to get retention bonuses when a business is teetering. Otherwise all the key players would move to other jobs and the organization would be in a deeper hole. Having your CFO leave during a time of tightened liquidity could very well be the end of the company.

Counterpoint: if your CFO leaving causes the “end of the company”, maybe your company deserves to fold.