Spirit Furloughing

It would figure I'd wind up junior to myself. You heard it here first, etc.
Me getting cheap laughs on the Internet


Me fr

This place doesn’t make sense. With legacy hiring starting to pick up and pilots leaving for said legacies. Furloughees are getting recalled even though they were furloughed 4 days ago.

Talking with the cousin’s sister’s brother who’s a janitor, seems like hiring might start again by the end of the year or beginning of next year to cover the higher than predicted attrition and not hiring for growth, but they just let go all of the ground instructors who would be training these returning furloughees and potential new hires….
This place doesn’t make sense. With legacy hiring starting to pick up and pilots leaving for said legacies. Furloughees are getting recalled even though they were furloughed 4 days ago.

Talking with the cousin’s sister’s brother who’s a janitor, seems like hiring might start again by the end of the year or beginning of next year to cover the higher than predicted attrition and not hiring for growth, but they just let go all of the ground instructors who would be training these returning furloughees and potential new hires….
Sounds about right. Christie and Bendo are clowns.
This place doesn’t make sense. With legacy hiring starting to pick up and pilots leaving for said legacies. Furloughees are getting recalled even though they were furloughed 4 days ago.

Talking with the cousin’s sister’s brother who’s a janitor, seems like hiring might start again by the end of the year or beginning of next year to cover the higher than predicted attrition and not hiring for growth, but they just let go all of the ground instructors who would be training these returning furloughees and potential new hires….
That and how many pilots that had planned on staying are now bailing due to this latest debacle?
All 4 on furlough who I know personally went ACMI or cargo and don't plan to return. I wonder how many will come back in the future as these 4 seemed to all get jobs very, very quickly.
Attrition is VERY high currently, I would think many of the furloughed guys already found jobs, and I know many guys that took a Voluntary furlough because they already had CJO's and were just awaiting class dates.

When recalls happen, I don't see many coming back, if our current attrition levels keep up it's very possible that hiring may be needed by the end of the year.