yes sir, i couldnt agree more with you,,,,,,,on the school,,,i attended early in the 1995 school year and only lasted half way through their program,,,due to finding out certain aspects of their school and the way they were running it,,,,,very shady indeed,,,having moved my entire family from California to the Tulsa OK area to attend this school,,,,,having just gotten out of the Air Force at the time,,,,,,this whole situation at the time was nothing more than a compilation of contraverseries and lack of accurate and timely information,,,,no one in my class finished the program at that time,,,and id love to speak with them,,,,,,we need to get more of this information on the school online in hopes that former students wether good or bad can voice those concerns,,,,if there are more questions on this matter i will give you my E-mail address,,,,,,,thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,