Space X did it!


What’s the advantage of the tower landing? Less stress on the booster at “touchdown”?
I think the plan is to eventually fly these things more than once a day, the arms will slowly lower the booster back onto the pad so it can make a relatively quick turn around. I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon but all of these Starship flights are test flights/proof of concept tests. Have you heard about the US Space Force vs the California Coastal Commision? The Space Force currently has permission to launch 36 SpaceX rockets from Vandenberg, CA per year and they want to increase that number to 50 launches per year, the CCC put out a letter stating they will not allow the launches citing concerns about Musk's support of Trump as a reason. The commission is all appointed, not elected, bureaucrats that are supposed to concern themselves with protecting the coastline, and they're mad at Musk because they feel he's overstepping his bounds when he says he supports Trump. I've had conversations with folks that have actually dealt with these idiots and it's nearly impossible to get anything done once they get involved. Susanne Somers and her husband lived in Malibu for over 30 years in a relatively small, modest house on the beach and when the wildfires came through it was reduced to ashes. When they tried to apply for permits to just build the exact same house in the exact same spot the CCC said nope. They fought it for a couple of years and then finally gave up and moved to Palm Springs. This is the sort of nonsense that has wealthy Californians leaving in droves.

What’s the advantage of the tower landing? Less stress on the booster at “touchdown”?

It’s a lot like Lt. Dan. It doesn’t have legs.

Currently the Falcon 9 takes about a week to get off the barge and transported back to the “hangar”

This thing landed back at the departure point in 6 minutes. It’s also the largest rocket in history by pure size.

As I type this it’s already been lowered and automatically plugged back into finish de-fueling. Technically speaking they could just press the “fuel” button and launch it again in an hour.

That’s insane.
Several thoughts.

1. There are three things clearly in abundance at SpaceX: lots of kerbal experience, lots of passion, and copious amounts of good narcotics.

2. Freaking amazing.

3. Can SpaceX loan some engineers to Tesla? Clearly they can design things that go fast, so maybe they can help my car not drive like a paranoid grandmother on quaaludes?
I see we’re still playing the charade about becoming an interplanetary species. This is cool and all, but that’s delusional. Just admit that it’s for military and industrial purposes.

If that’s not the plan, then every single thing we do is pointless, and we might as well all go back to living in caves.

We have our issues, but I haven’t reached that level of self-loathing just yet.
Sure. We’re still not getting anywhere close to an expanse vision of space based society with chemical fuelled rockets.
Just one component on our way to understanding our position in this universe. You and I are on the same page for taking care of our home planet, but for me it's por que no los dos?

This one launches tomorrow, can't wait.

Just one component on our way to understanding our position in this universe. You and I are on the same page for taking care of our home planet, but for me it's por que no los dos?

This one launches tomorrow, can't wait.

I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying that the pretense that we’re anything other than a sci fi book type quantum leap forward in tech from becoming well and truly spacefaring, is silly.
I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying that the pretense that we’re anything other than a sci fi book type quantum leap forward in tech from becoming well and truly spacefaring, is silly.
We're indeed a looong ways off from about any sci-fi book/movie about being a space faring species. Elon has plenty of hyperbole about the next couple of decades.