Space Tycoons aren’t Astronauts

I'm uncertain that was the case. My understanding was that *someone* dropped-out and the spot was filled by the Dutch nerd. Was it his dad that "had a scheduling appointment?"

But I have to wonder how much arm-twisting was happening behind the scenes to have a flight that set the records for both the oldest and youngest people to "go into space" on a Blue Origin-brand giant phallus (now with active aerodynamic glans).
Huh, actually you might be right.

"An 18-year-old physics student whose father heads an investment management firm in the Netherlands is set to fly to space with U.S. billionaire Jeff Bezos on Tuesday — taking the place of a person who put up $28 million US in an auction to join the inaugural space tourism flight for Bezos's Blue Origin company."

What a bizarre statement.

I honestly don’t have a clue what you’re trying to say.

But at literally every point in human achievement, there have been more pressing “issues” to solve.

“Lewis and Clarke? Fools. They’re using slave-labor to harvest crops and these two idiots tame off into the wilderness in land already inhabited? BALDERDASH!”

Fighting a war in Vietnam, but we were trying to go to the moon.

I’m already bored. I can go on and on.

Billionaires in space. It’s their money. Good for them, ultimately good for us because if you want to wait for NASA to make space flight a regularity without an assist by private ventures, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

It might be hard for you to understand my standpoint. And that's too bad, but ok. I'm thinking about this from a whole different perspective. From my perspective, the reason Lewis and Clarke were commissioned to go into the wilderness was not balderdash at all. Rather, it was very base and typical greed and irresponsibility; likely very much the SAME superficial reason why you and many others now unquestioningly assume it's just fine to rocket off into space.

Hard for me to imagine 1541 @Derg as one of Coronado's eager henchmen. Even harder for me to imagine 1619 Derg as a loyal deck hand on the São João Bautista on it's journey from Angola to Mexico. But, given your position now, that's right where you'd have been back then.

Unbalanced, uncontrolled, unmediated growth is cancer (alternatively, on the macro-level called famine, or pestilence, or war). Every single time.

We have everything we need right here, if we only choose to recognize it. We can have paradise on earth, if we only choose to craft it. We possess the divine spark; It's our choice to use it or to cower and stick with our baser instincts.

Do you have such a low opinion of humanity that you actually believe we will not overcome?

Running away from one's problems is never a sustainable way to solve one's problems. It's no solution at all; it's just running away and spreading the problem.

We possess the choice.

We need not act like locusts.

More is not better.

Enough is plenty.
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Ha! :)

Think of it this way. Everything of great value on Earth isn’t unique to earth and if it exists here, it‘s probably in great abundance in the belt, other planets and ”sample return” is going to lead to mining is going to lead to someone become the richest man on earth by an exponential figure.
“Hey man, where ya heading” ?
“I got another moon turn, ugh, bidding Mars next month, done with moon”.
“yeah I had moon all last month, bidding Oklahoma City this month, hotels got a free breakfast and that nice little Irish pub down the street”.
Huh, actually you might be right.

"An 18-year-old physics student whose father heads an investment management firm in the Netherlands is set to fly to space with U.S. billionaire Jeff Bezos on Tuesday — taking the place of a person who put up $28 million US in an auction to join the inaugural space tourism flight for Bezos's Blue Origin company."

What a bizarre statement.

It makes perfect sense to me, send your least favorite, and most underperforming kid on a risky super high profile endeavor with rockstar billionaires.
That is some high level networking that daddy warbucks provided for his kiddo!