Space Tycoons aren’t Astronauts


Still trying to reach the Top Shelf
The FFA dropped a ruling that Branson and Bezos aren’t ”astronauts” just because “they were there”.

Next thing you know the guy in seat 38F is going to want a certificate and a 777 type rating.

From their ruling though, I can see that future flights like this will involve passengers getting a few second of ”hands on time“ in order to get the designation…..we‘ll see.

I don't see why the Future Farmers Association has an opinion on the matter. They should be focusing on finishing their hogs to market weight for the upcoming shows.
I don't see why the Future Farmers Association has an opinion on the matter. They should be focusing on finishing their hogs to market weight for the upcoming shows.
Unless they got "woke" while I was napping, that's Future Farmers of 'Murica. By and large, farmers eschew association. ;)
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He can call himself the Queen of England afaic, so long as he keeps shovelling piles of money in to space exploration.
I'm totally going to start calling him that, just not ever in England where the queen would undoubtedly throw the English libel laws at me for besmirching her good name.
The FFA dropped a ruling that Branson and Bezos aren’t ”astronauts” just because “they were there”.

Next thing you know the guy in seat 38F is going to want a certificate and a 777 type rating.

From their ruling though, I can see that future flights like this will involve passengers getting a few second of ”hands on time“ in order to get the designation…..we‘ll see.

Don't have to worry about Musk engaging is any such buzz-kill self aggrandizement. His only reason for jumping in a rocket is to get even higher.
Don't have to worry about Musk engaging is any such buzz-kill self aggrandizement. His only reason for jumping in a rocket is to get even higher.
You're slipping, you haven't posted a link to a negative story about Trump in this thread that has nothing to do with politics yet.
I left that to you... and you just came through. Congrats!
You're a verbose nitwit with a self inflated opinion of your own intelligence, you seem to be of the opinion that the more you write, using uncommon language, the more others might believe your vitriol. You're what used to be called a snake oil salesman, a pathetic personage to aspire to. But IDGAF, if you're enjoying yourself keep on keeping on. When you wake up at night and wonder why you can't fall easily back into a deep slumber it's because you know there are a lot of people who easily see beyond your facade and look at your person without disguise directly.
You're a verbose nitwit with a self inflated opinion of your own intelligence, you seem to be of the opinion that the more you write, using uncommon language, the more others might believe your vitriol. You're what used to be called a snake oil salesman, a pathetic personage to aspire to. But IDGAF, if you're enjoying yourself keep on keeping on. When you wake up at night and wonder why you can't fall easily back into a deep slumber it's because you know there are a lot of people who easily see beyond your facade and look at your person without disguise directly.
Get a load of this guy making himself mad… for reasons.