Sorry FOlks...

Someone's going to get a "Dutch Oven" this evening when she's not expecting it for mouthin' off! ;) :sarcasm:
I, too, am sick and tired of your mealy-mouthed excuses, Dough. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me. No wait I'm off. Anyway, I'm picking up stakes and moving to one of the other free, well-moderated, no-glaring-ads-in-the-grille websites out there.

Ok, I'm back. ;)
Any one else notice that there are a lot of wine drinking fools out there? What happened to the days of drinking the cheapest, nastiest, foulest whiskey known to man?!? And you call yourselves should be ashamed.

OK, gotta hit the liquor store and gets me some more Bailey's. I drink that stuff like it's going out of style. :laff:
I had a couple Sierra Nevada ESBs last night and am blowing up my office this morning. Its bad.

You do understand that ESB doesn't stand for extra special bitters, it stands for extra stinky booty.