Sorry FOlks...


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Doing some stuff behind the scenes and made a real boneheaded move with a new FTP program and axed for forum for about 30. Mea culpa.

The glass of pinot grigio didn't help much either :P
Well, I was using a new FTP program, and instead of adding an updated file to an existing directory, it said, "Hey! Why don't I delete the directory, recreate it and THEN upload the file, hoo hoo!" so all of my configuration discretes went bye-bye.

I'm still not up 100% but it's close.
Doing some stuff behind the scenes and made a real boneheaded move with a new FTP program and axed for forum for about 30. Mea culpa.

The glass of pinot grigio didn't help much either :P

I downloaded Mozilla. And am pouring a glass of Shiraz.

So there.
Oh, we're more reliable than that now, aren't we?

Fo' sho....

just an old habit from school I picked up. If you are typing anything more than a couple lines you may want to copy/paste......or not....I'd venture a guess that once you do get burned on something like that you will do it.....

I guess it's more of a word processing habit.... type, type, type.....alt-f save. type - type - type....... alt-f save....
The service on this site is absolutely ridiculous! It's like it's run by a bunch of amateurs. I'm leaving. Please delete my posts.

You around this weekend Doug? Let's drink.
Leaving Sunday morning early but I'm game for some drinky!

Wait, I just deleted your registration, you probably can't even read this.
I just registered as TheDoCannotB_Banned so I can let you know that we should drink Saturday night.
I like the new logo on the top, the little blended jetcareers motor. Of course been there a little while but never mentioned it before. I like it though.
I'm just glad it wasn't me that did it! HAHAHHAHAHAHHA

it ain't my fault... did I do that? NOT!