Something seems fishy

Although what we do isn't rocket science it isn't as easy a dropping a basket of fries into a fryer at McDonald's and as such we should be compensated/respected for our profession/alism.

As far as mythbusters go..... we don't get a half dozen attempts to do our job correctly when the heat is on.... we get one.... if they screw up their "experiments" they can retry as often as they like until they produce the results that they want....

And they call our job easy. Hmmm.

Get out of my head!!! :)

Seriously, though. Next time someone says, "it's as easy as riding a bike" to a nervous passenger, kick then swiftly in the crotch.
Get out of my head!!! :)

Seriously, though. Next time someone says, "it's as easy as riding a bike" to a nervous passenger, kick then swiftly in the crotch.

I'm not in your head I am right here!!!!!!:nana2::nana2:

I would really love the opportunity kick someone in the baby maker for making such a remark but then again I like my job too much!:D
There's always retirement, brotha! Just keep that list somewhere safe.
Too true.... but I am guessing at some point in my life (right around the whole midlife crisis stage) I will finally just throw my hands up in the air and scream something really insignificant.
And then I will bang my head with a ping pong paddle and no longer care about genital area smashing with my foot.

Oh jeez.... look at the time.... off for a little nap.
How hard would it be for a nobody to get to fly a airline simulator. Just have the connections or a lot more than that?

It was definitely connections with us. We took a Boy Scout troop to the Southernjets sims. One of the kid's dad was the sim scheduler and they had a couple of them being returned to service after maintenance. The kids and the adults each got a crack at either the 737-200 or -800

I would give $1000 to the charity of your choice if we can go randomly find a guy on the street with zero aviation experience, put him into a 767 simulator and tell him to "make it autoland" and have it com out successfully with no other assistance. And get it stopped before running off the end of the runway and ending up crumbled on the freeway.

I'll add a grand to it. We did not use autoland. None of the kids would've gotten it on the ground without some serious assistance from the sim instructor. Same for the adults. I had a shot at the -800 using the HUD and got it down in one piece, also with plenty of advice from the instructor. Aside from the airline captain dad who, for some reason, chose not to take a turn:D, I was the only one with any aviation experience and none of it as a pilot. I had a vague idea of some things that should happen based on watching from the jumpseat back in the good ol' days. No way would I ever want to try it for real.

The bigger the more automated - which makes landing much easier.

I'd bet someone can be talked down in an airliner before being talked down in a 172.
It's been done several times. Ask the older ATC guys.

The closest I ever came to anything like it was talking a stuck on top, VFR-only pilot down through a cloud layer. Anything more complex than that and I would have been finding a controller that was also a pilot. Fortunately, I never had to.
I've had the opportunity to fly a full DC-10 sim... even though I had a PPL, lets just say that the FD and autothrottles saved my bacon. I'd like to see mythbusters do it in a real airplane when the landing counts.
I've had the opportunity to fly a full DC-10 sim... even though I had a PPL, lets just say that the FD and autothrottles saved my bacon. I'd like to see mythbusters do it in a real airplane when the landing counts.
How's about a BE55 in winds that are 90 deg off runway heading gusting up to 30 kts. Sound good?
How bout in a 727 where it's YOUR arse trying to fly the plane without any autopilot assistance.

Though, when they did try to land the plane without assistance they failed miserably by crashing into the ground at 300 knots.
From what I understand there is a cross wind restriction when autolanding, no? Especially on a 767.
Ide like to know when DPA was in the A320 sim what the weather conditions where like.
I had an opportunity to fly the B2 simulator last summer. I might have been able to do it with out being coached, but it would have been difficult and its true that you really do not flare that aircraft.
I'd like to know when DPA was in the A320 sim what the weather conditions where like.

Well, no offense to DPA at ALL (I remember flying at his age), but I think those that fly more in a month than he has in total time might have a better idea of how much he was actually "helped" in the sim, whether he knew it or not. I remember flying a B777 sim when I was sixteen and thinking "man, that wasn't that bad." I remember being on OE and thinking "I can handle this CRJ pretty well." And I mostly remember when they took my "training wheels" off and had my rear end handed to me multiple times, even now with 1,600 hours in the RJ.

Anyone can be carried through a sim session or introductory flight. In fact, as a CFI, it was my goal to make it seem easy the first time around without the prospective student knowing it, as that motivated them to at least try.

Again, no offense at all to DPA -- I was in his shoes and CONTINUE to be in his shoes as an FO.
Well, no offense to DPA at ALL (I remember flying at his age), but I think those that fly more in a month than he has in total time might have a better idea of how much he was actually "helped" in the sim, whether he knew it or not. I remember flying a B777 sim when I was sixteen and thinking "man, that wasn't that bad." I remember being on OE and thinking "I can handle this CRJ pretty well." And I mostly remember when they took my "training wheels" off and had my rear end handed to me multiple times, even now with 1,600 hours in the RJ.

Anyone can be carried through a sim session or introductory flight. In fact, as a CFI, it was my goal to make it seem easy the first time around without the prospective student knowing it, as that motivated them to at least try.

Again, no offense at all to DPA -- I was in his shoes and CONTINUE to be in his shoes as an FO.
haha, none taken... i didnt think i needed sarcasm tags in my posts but i guess i should re-evaluate...

I mean, in 15 kt winds, perfect day i had a tailstrike! haha

that stuff is HARD!
haha, none taken... i didnt think i needed sarcasm tags in my posts but i guess i should re-evaluate...

I mean, in 15 kt winds, perfect day i had a tailstrike! haha

that stuff is HARD!

I should have added that you qualified your statement with the notion that flying is easier than knowing systems, etc. inside-out, which you're absolutely correct about!
I should have added that you qualified your statement with the notion that flying is easier than knowing systems, etc. inside-out, which you're absolutely correct about!

anyone can fly

not everyone can land.

and not everyone who can do both even know about the logistics of what they're doing haha
If I were you, I would call JetU and ask.... People are talking about them closing the doors....

Ami, Thanks for that but I was joking around about jetU. I don't really know anything about the place other than what I've read on here. I've seen your questions and hope somebody will be able to help you. I just don't have that info.