I agree with Doug and Chia, and want to add that, if people think that landing is somehow the most complex thing we do as airline pilots, they are incredibly misinformed.
I have a friend who is a MD88 captain with Delta. He invited me over to ATL for a couple of hours in the sim. I did not have that much trouble landing it. But he was sitting right next to me pushing all the right buttons and talking me down. He showed me an autoland. It was kind of spooky with the aircraft flaring on its own. I didn't even see the runway till the nose wheel came down.
Nowdays, just being able to keep a job/benefits as an airline guy is a complex task in and of itself.
Talking about JetU… I heard they are going out of business…. Can anyone tell me if this is the truth?
Serious question to the airline pilots. Do the simulators actually fly (feel) like the real airplane?
If a newbie couldn't land a Piper Warrior without at least a dozen tries, what makes anyone think they can land a Boeing without thousands of hours of experience?
Any input?
I can't say about a Boeing but landing a Embraer is 100 times easier to land in high winds then a light GA plane.
Now see, I was going to put it in the members announcement section in late August, but I guess I'll let the cat out of the bag now.
I start JetU on September 12 and really wanted to fly a real life simulator before I got there. Kind of a "leg up" if you will.
I'm going to fly the big jets!!!! :nana2:
This made me laugh hysterically for some reason. I picture all these 18 year olds showing up for first day at Jet U and then picture T-cart in jeans, t-shirt and 20,000 ag hours amongst them. Makes me laugh.
They must have been using auto land. but that does really make me mad that they tell the whole public that it is easy to land a boeing commerical jet.I don't know what it is with the public perception about talking a plane down, but after seeing the episode of Mythbusters concerning talking down an airliner I was shocked to say the least. Adam and Jamie landed the plane and Jamie said "It was not hard". This really ticks me off because a type rating that costs thousands of dollars is effectively described a bupkiss by them. And even with auto pilot, planes do not "virtually land themselves" as they so coloquially put it as far as I can tell. If a newbie couldn't land a Piper Warrior without at least a dozen tries, what makes anyone think they can land a Boeing without thousands of hours of experience?
Any input?
I'm gonna fly a jet someday!
They must have been using auto land. but that does really make me mad that they tell the whole public that it is easy to land a boeing commerical jet.
The bigger the more automated - which makes landing much easier.
I'd bet someone can be talked down in an airliner before being talked down in a 172.
I would give $1000 to the charity of your choice if we can go randomly find a guy on the street with zero aviation experience, put him into a 767 simulator and tell him to "make it autoland" and have it com out successfully with no other assistance. And get it stopped before running off the end of the runway and ending up crumbled on the freeway.