SLC Departure procedures

FFU is the Fairfield VOT.

Yes, 757/767 crews in SLC.

We get 777's now and again but they aren't scheduled. Around the holidays we have a 747 doing freight runs but I have yet to see them this year.

Delta had an MD-11 in here a little while ago doing the SLC-ATL trip. Again, not the scheduled equipment.

I miss watching the Delta L10's fly in and out of here... I miss them period.

edit: too slow, doh!

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Is FFU the VOR located on field on SLC?


Looks like that bad boy needs some bleach, or something.

But you've got to wait for the book!

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Darn it, Doug, you keep talking about this it kind of like that good job my professors always tell me about? Am I waiting in vain?? Are you going to wait until retirement to write it??
Doug, the next Captain X...

Though I'm sure there's nothing sketchy in commercial aviation. Nothing at all. Ignore the man behind the curtain.
I notice Doug has a new avatar. And MATT FOLEY is PISSED! Boy, stealin' my ideas and you're not going to amount to JACK SQUAT!!!!

You could be like that guy who wrote "Plane Insanity." It's a great book, by the way.

But since everyone knows you work for Delta and he didn't mention who his employer is at all in the book, maybe that idea is shot.