Super User
Okay... Doug and fellow JC'ers. I was flying back home to CVG from PHX with a stop in SLC.
I happen to frequent SLC from time to time. And today they were departing runways 16L/16R.
My question to one and all is everytime these runways are in use.
Planes take off and once the gear are safely tucked away they make an immediate right hand turn and head ina westerly direction.
I mean it's awesome to see 767-300,400's and 757-200's perform this manuver at such low altitudes.
Now if this were just a few planes doing this I wouldn't think twice about it.
But it was every Delta plane,Skywest,United,American and others.
So my question is why when these runways 16L/16R are in use do all the planes departing SLC depart in this manner. Instead of flying straight out over the city or departing in a different manner.
Is it for noise abatement or terrain or for what?
Superior Valkyrie Ace
I happen to frequent SLC from time to time. And today they were departing runways 16L/16R.
My question to one and all is everytime these runways are in use.
Planes take off and once the gear are safely tucked away they make an immediate right hand turn and head ina westerly direction.
I mean it's awesome to see 767-300,400's and 757-200's perform this manuver at such low altitudes.
Now if this were just a few planes doing this I wouldn't think twice about it.
But it was every Delta plane,Skywest,United,American and others.
So my question is why when these runways 16L/16R are in use do all the planes departing SLC depart in this manner. Instead of flying straight out over the city or departing in a different manner.
Is it for noise abatement or terrain or for what?
Superior Valkyrie Ace