Poodle Wrangler
Just an FYI from Harvard:
One long-term study of previously convicted pedophiles (with an average follow-up of 25 years) found that one-fourth of heterosexual pedophiles and one-half of homosexual or bisexual pedophiles went on to commit another sexual offense against children.
- Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and unlikely to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges.
- No intervention is likely to work on its own; outcomes may be better when the patient is motivated and treatment combines psychotherapy and medication.
- Parents should be aware that in most sexual abuse cases involving children, the perpetrator is someone the child knows.
But there are many other and more detailed studies conducted over a long period of time..... a host of them including a long term study done in Canada which I read over a bit and suggests much higher rate of recidivism as do many other studies including stats at the department of Justice. In an article entitled “Recidivism of Sex Offenders” published in the journal of the Center for Sex Offender Management, author Tim Bynum examined a multiplicity of studies on re-offending by convicted sex offenders. Bynum acknowledges that sex crimes are under-reported which can skew studies of recidivism. And there are many variables, such is the person staying in treatment and much more. Bynum cites a 1997 study which found that over a 25-year period, child molesters had a higher recidivism rate than rapists with 52% of the former re-offending vs. 39% of the latter.
While this is a very complicated subject, personally, I don't think it's worth the risk/gamble for ANY child (mine or others) to knowingly be put in contact with anyone convicted of such a crime where there is true substantial evidence and/or admittance of guilt. Period.
Grenade in the room:
If it's a sexual orientation, what gives us the right to discriminate against their orientation? After all, sexual orientation is like race and cannot be helped.
(I'm not promoting this, just calling to task the logic used by many)