As of autumn 2008 only six Starships continue to hold airworthiness registration with the FAA. Three Starships are based in Oklahoma, one in Washington, one in California, and one is still registered to Raytheon Aircraft Credit Corporation in Wichita, Kansas.
There are six still flying.
These are some pics one of I took on the ramp at TKI in October of '07.
This is the thread...
Here are the pics...
Not too bad for an iPhone camera, if I do say so m'self.
I thought they'd all got bought up by Beech and scrapped - how is this one still flying? Who owns it?)
not sure where in ok they are based but I see them fly over my house into pwa rather frequently
KRVS. Owned by an energy consortium. THey also own a Pilatus and a Premier 1A
I found an AWESOME book in one of the seat pockets called The Starship Diaries. it was about a dot-commer who struck it rich and bought a starship when he had 400 hours total time. Flew it around the world during the course of 2 years and wrote a book about it. Good read if you can ever find it.
Correction they have the Starship, Premier and a Cheyene
Too bad it is a fiction book. I read it and then I finally read a note somewhere in the book that said it was all fiction.
Oh snap they own that LS? That is the sickest Cheyenne I've ever seen. Someone told me that Chuck Yeager set a Time to Climb record in that very aircraft.
I thought for some reason that the Darbys owned that LS, and I found it strange I'd never seen that PC12 that they supposedly owned.
Do I know you?