Runway Incursion - TEB

I didn't lock the other thread, the moderator did. Seems I've been censored. Guess I rustled a few too many feathers. Anyway, I guess this is getting old for all of us.

Let me ask a stupid question: Are bizjets considered GA? If not, then I probably am barking up the wrong tree, or at least barking too loudly. Is there a "bizjet" forum? Where is the line drawn? By weight?

And Bubba- you're exactly right. I probably do inadvertently support the businesses that use TEB. That' my point. I wrote: the Port Authority should be forced to provide local residents with a list of companies using the airport so that they can stop buying their goods and services.

Shouldn't residents decide?
I didn't lock the other thread, the moderator did. Seems I've been censored. Guess I rustled a few too many feathers. Anyway, I guess this is getting old for all of us.

Let me ask a stupid question: Are bizjets considered GA? If not, then I probably am barking up the wrong tree, or at least barking too loudly. Is there a "bizjet" forum? Where is the line drawn? By weight?

And Bubba- you're exactly right. I probably do inadvertently support the businesses that use TEB. That' my point. I wrote: the Port Authority should be forced to provide local residents with a list of companies using the airport so that they can stop buying their goods and services.

Shouldn't residents decide?

Your thread was locked due to all the pilots telling you what they think of you coming on here. I have to agree that some have tried to give you honest responses, but you only would reply to those who were "attacking" your post.

Okay, Here a little class on how avaition is divided up. GA is divided up into seperate entities. You have regular GA which is Joe Blow with his Cessna 172 who flies for fun on the weekends. Now there is the money amking side to GA. You have your flight schools who teach people to fly and get their advanced certificates so they can fly for the airlines or whatever else. At these schools are the flight instructors who are building flight time to get hired by said airlines and so on. The next rung up the ladder is your air charters utilizing small aircraft. The final GA piece is the bizjets as you call it. Most corporate jets are utilzed for actual "business" trips. Most big corporation own corporate jets. It allows them to not have to rely on airline schedules and be able to make their meeting, which usually consist of more than one a day in different cities across the U.S. With the way the NYC metro airports have been lately with massive delay and cancellations, it a money saver as well.
I undestand that your family has owned that house since 1964, but why didn't you take any action until someone had to point it out to you? If they hadn't said anything you would be on you're crusade. It's not like there has been an explosion of incresed traffic, but more of a gradual steady increase.
There are thing that you can do other than shutting the airport down. There is a program the FAA can implement called Noise Abaitment Procedures. That basically gets a noise decible study done and the FAA and the PA can come up with procuderes for reduicing the noise footprints of the airport as well as setting a curfew for the airport and limiting certain types of aircraft that have certain engines. They will also set up certain procudures for aircraft to follow whe departing the airport to reduce noise.
You can't go all half cocked and start attacking an airport. You need to do more research than just going off that stupid website. No one on that site had an f'n clue what they were talking about. Call the local FAA office and ask someone questions about how to reduce noise. Call the PA and ask them the same thing. There doesn't need to be an angry mob gallavanting around TEB with no clue as to how the airport operates, what GA is or how it works.
I didn't lock the other thread, the moderator did. Seems I've been censored. Guess I rustled a few too many feathers. Anyway, I guess this is getting old for all of us.

Naw, if you were to get censored your posts would just disappear. We don't work like that around here. Threads get closed when they start to stink too much and people get to venomous in their replies. This is Doug's virtual living room and we ask the guests to treat it that way. It's an informal place, but one where small semblance of manners is required. It never hurts to review The Rules when in doubt about acceptable and unacceptable behavior.