Runway Incursion - TEB

Topper, are you a pilot or a grammar school nun?

TEB is in your backyard (it was there first), The PANY insists its there, and no, they are not going to eminent domain your house. Are you crazy?

The NJDOT also insists that the pike and parkway stay, How 'bout you go to some car boards and rant about roads?

It's so nice that all 5 of your posts he at JC are in this one thread ranting about an airport. If you really want to contribute here, expand your horizons and talk about your flying experiences in other threads?

Correct spelling does add a bit of credibility to what you say.
Careful "OldTown". I don't mind, but it seems people in these boards are very particular about spelling and typos. You had a few in your last post and may get "yellow flagged". You spelled "here" wrong and apparently lost some credibility as well. (Now make sure you go back and fix that to make me look like a liar.)

You misunderstood. I know no one is going to take my house. What I'm saying is a "taking" (in the legal sense) has already occurred in that many residents have lost their right to the "quiet enjoyment" of their property. The government (FAA, PANY) should compensate for this loss via the surcharge explained above.

And yes, some say I'm a little crazy. But are you fly boys so deluded that you don't recognize the enormous toll your industry takes on the non-flying public? I don't mind EWR, JFK because I get a direct benefit from them. I use them. But airports like TEB DO NOT SERVE THE INTERESTS of the non-flying public, especially when you take into account the danger, pollution, noise, etc. It's a rich person's airport for athletes and movie stars. family bought this house in 64,

I didn't notice the gradual build up.

It was only when a relative pointed out to me (about 4 years ago)

Your family has lived there since 1964, and you didn't notice the air traffic until someone pointed it out four years ago?!?!?!

What do we get out of it?
You get the tax money helping pay for the roads and infrastructure around the community. could close the airport and let the community pay much steeper taxes themselves.

....they need to pay me.
Here is really the point. You want a free ride. Your property is probably worth 100x what was paid in 64. I think you'll do fine when you move.
Both. I can't help it that I have a pet peeve of people sounding extra "ignant" by not spelling correctly. Do your homework before class. :banghead:
Yeah. Four years ago. What's so hard to believe? The point is, like so many other annoyances, its gradual, gradual, gradual, then SUDDEN.

If someone built a toxic waste dump next to your house, would you be satisfied with the property tax ratable? I don't think so.

You're making sense with your last option. Let the residents decide if they think TEB makes enough of a tax contribution or otherwise. Let them decide how much they will accept to permit this menace to continue. If the airport were to go, we'd replace it with a great ratable. That's prime real estate. We'd be fine.

Again- I don't see the airport closing. That's just a fantasy. What I do see is a serious curtailment in usage (especially for frivolous travel) and the imposition of a hefty fee for usage that benefits residents.

TopperHarley: the flying nun:


You misunderstood. I know no one is going to take my house. What I'm saying is a "taking" (in the legal sense) has already occurred in that many residents have lost their right to the "quiet enjoyment" of their property. The government (FAA, PANY) should compensate for this loss via the surcharge explained above.

And yes, some say I'm a little crazy. But are you fly boys so deluded that you don't recognize the enormous toll your industry takes on the non-flying public? I don't mind EWR, JFK because I get a direct benefit from them. I use them. But airports like TEB DO NOT SERVE THE INTERESTS of the non-flying public, especially when you take into account the danger, pollution, noise, etc. It's a rich person's airport for athletes and movie stars.

Seriously, you need an education on aviation if you're looking at getting into it. How old are you? Are you just spouting what your parents tell you? For the record, most of my flying in and out of TEB has been flying your checks in and out of NY/NJ, since there's no room at JFK, EWR, or LGA for check haulers to set up business (nor would it be economical). TEB is there to keep all the GA airplanes from taking up space at the big airports, and this is what it's used for.

I love how you feel EWR and JFK are okay, since you don't live there. If you did, you'd feel the same about those airports. Guess what...all those airports have been there much longer than most of those houses. Now, if you wanted to say that Midway in Chicago was a dangerous airport, you wouldn't get many arguments from us:D, but TEB is just another airport in a community that the community has encroached on.

Good luck on getting them to pay you, since most politicians, etc., fly in and out of TEB also. It's everybody that wants to get to or from NY/NJ that doesn't fly commercially, or want to put up with being #30 for takeoff out of those cesspools.
You need to separate GA airports from major airports. Large passenger jets are the buses of the sky. Arguably, they serve the common good. You may not like to ride a bus, but you content yourself that its far more economical and less taxing on the environment/community than several dozen cars. Granted, those living near the bus station don't like the noise, but they can hop on a bus any time. Same for EWR, JFK. Again, its a matter of degree.

You GA pilots are the equivalent of the single occupant SUVs that clutter the roads and highways and waste gas. You (and the snobs you chauffer) apparently don't care about conservation, pollution and the blatant intrusion against the populations over which you fly.

As far as taking up space at the major airports: Why not just use large passenger jets and fly first class? Do two passengers really need a lear jet?

"I'm in the hi-fidelity first class traveling set, And I think I need a Lear Jet." Pink Floyd, Money

You'd be surprised about politicians. I know a few who have TEB targeted.

Guess I shouldn't have expected much sympathy from "Stone Cold".

Well, not sure what brought out all the angst you show towards GA, but please re-read my post and discuss the points I've brought up. Feeling that people with money shouldn't have the right to charter an airplane is an socialist attitude on your part. If you have to, everybody else should, right?

How about my experience flying your checks in the middle of the night so you can have your checks deposited? Was that annoying? Should check haulers not use GA airports? That'll cut into your interest your bank pays you.

I know, your bank is all electronic, etc., right? Those checks still go to the FED, and there will be the need for them for the forseeable future.

How about all the medical flights that go there to help save lives? The reasons are too numerous for a GA airport to stay, and only close-minded people want to shut them down. It contributes much more than just those "elitist rich people" that you talk about.

Nope, no sympathy from Stone Cold. Guess where I got that nickname...TEB

How about you post in the members announcements section who you are and your purpose on here, rather than just posting your animosity of a GA airport in an indirectly related thread.
Labeling me a socialist or NIMBY is easy (and not very creative). For the record, I'm as true blue as any of you. I don't care if Martha Stewart likes to ski at Telluride on Thursdays. God bless her. But when I can't hear my daughter's first words because Martha’s jet takes off over my house, there's a problem.

Flying checks? Yes- electronic. Trust me, we'd find a way to get by. After all, this is the "information age."

Medical flights are fine. If I need an organ, I could benefit from TEB. Naturally, you make allowances for the general good. That's easy.

Again, I don't think TEB should close entirely. It should just be closed for frivolous usage- or- taxed heavily for frivolous usage.

Cigarettes: Taxed heavily. Money used to promote health. You can do the same for TEB.

I get the feeling I'm not welcome here. So I'll go (unless someone pisses me off). Just know, as you scream over Bergen County at 2:00am, you just woke a sick baby, spewed jet exhaust over someone's tomatoes, wasted tons of energy, and unnecessarily endangered the lives of thousands- just so your rich snob passenger can have lobster in Nantucket.

Happy flying!
I get the feeling I'm not welcome here. So I'll go (unless someone pisses me off). Just know, as you scream over Bergen County at 2:00am, you just woke a sick baby, spewed jet exhaust over someone's tomatoes, wasted tons of energy, and unnecessarily endangered the lives of thousands- just so your rich snob passenger can have lobster in Nantucket.

Happy flying!
<Cut...over the top for me> Lobster in ACK is fabulous, BTW!! And, apparently it's too late for somebody pissing you off. You had to have it pointed out to you about the traffic, so good luck in life. A pro pilot forum will not get you any sympathies on eliminating or heavily taxing what you consider "frivolous usage" for an AIRPORT that your family moved next to.
I think it's pretty safe to say that this guy is pretty clearly a troll. And coming to an aviation/pilot board with the agenda he's got pretty much supports that.

He's not here to debate- he's coming from another board with about a hunnerd and a half posts hysterically disparaging the TEB airport.

Ok, since Av8trix and Stone Cold want me to stick around, I'll go a few more rounds.

"Agenda" is just a label too. Did the founding fathers have an "independence agenda"? Maybe so. What's wrong with an agenda? Civil Rights, anti-smoking, Amnesty International -- all "agendas".

JetCareers has an agenda: to promote unabated, carte blanche, in-your-face, air travel. What's your point?

I think you’re all just a little miffed about the possibility that your once “romantic” pastime is turning into a pretentious, obnoxious and un-welcomed annoyance for millions of people.
Ironic how this thread has experienced several incursion, near misses and obnoxiously been Hi-Jacked.

When I first starting reading it, it was a quite peaceful relatively small thread then about 4 post later someone pointed out to me how loud it had gotten. So now I can piss and moan or I can move onto a new thread.

Mr Moderator please, please escort this gentalmen to a more appropriate thread, I am concerned for the passengers on this thread that are trying to maintain a positive exchange of information and reap the benefits of all the different kinds of aviation in our world.
JetCareers has an agenda: to promote unabated, carte blanche, in-your-face, air travel. What's your point?
if you take a look around you will see a lot of the pilots here are either
a. part 121 pilots (that is airline). the same pilots who fly those buses you said that the snobs need to fly
b. part 135 pilots (charter, cargo, etc)
c. training to become either a or b

so really this isn't a GA forum and it isn't a place to come and complain because your family moved next to an airport
Nah, I bet if he complains more on the internet he'll get tons of money for living by the airport! Don't you guys see the astounding logic?

Did I just read all that? If you can put together a good argument for something, I'm listening. That was like walking into a hospital and telling the staff that the hospital needs to go.
He had his thread locked and hasn't been back. He wasn't getting what he was looking for and really wasn't giving any good reason to do so. He can't distinquish GA from 121/135 and bizjets. Most of those bizjets he's refering to are owned by companies he contributes to on a daily basis.:D