Good point and well said, the excitement of the fast track program comming back is making people forget that, after everything is said and done, it all comes down to will ASA accepts you as a candidate in the first place, offer (COE), and secondly, are you really willing to dish out another loan for 26K, adding to the current loan..wow talk about major debt. But I have to imagine that FSI fully prepares the candidates for this course, reason I'm saying this, is that this not for everyone.
As great as this program sounds, an extra 26K is a lot in my book, so I'll take my poor aspiring career /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif and go the long road, go the CFI route, pay my dues and have FSI cover the course, besides who knows, that if with all this extra incured debt, if after we become FO's, we will be able to pay off the loans with those salaries.
Best Regards,