Room with a View!


Here comes the rain....
An unintentional selphie from my view in St.John (no "s"), eh...Not the most stunning view I suppose, unless you're my wife or my mother. (Maybe, I hope...oh never mind...)
The Hilton?
good eye...Lady at the front desk was awesome, giving me the better view. What a great place, we ate almost every meal at the hotel restaurant because they were so good to us...(I don't even think the food was that great...)
good eye...Lady at the front desk was awesome, giving me the better view. What a great place, we ate almost every meal at the hotel restaurant because they were so good to us...(I don't even think the food was that great...)

I spent a lot of time up there last summer and stayed at the Hilton one of those times. Its a cool little city.
Usually get put in cheaper hotels or at least not on the strip or on the beach, so not a lot of good photos out the hotel window. One exception was Las Brisas resort in Ixtapa this year. One shot from my balcony.

This shot was from the dinning room over dinner. I had my tripod set up on the ledge with timed exposures.
Not such a great view but an unexpected quality of room. Was walking to my room and looked up and noticed I had the governor's suite. It took me multiple trips to the front desk, starting with "there has been a mix up here" to figure out how to get in because there were many doors and the key they gave me matched a different part of the suite. I kept having Jimmy run through my head. "Wait a minute something's wrong here the key won't unlock this door."

There was a full sized hotel room plus the bonus room.


I did try to make the most of the sunrise but the Phoenix landscape left a bit to be desired.
Holiday Inn, Sarasota FL at a cool 77 degrees

I have stayed in that hotel many, many times over the years. Used to have sales meetings there too. They used to have really good cinnamon french toast in the restaurant.

Le sigh. SRQ is my home town.