Priority Air Charter


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any information on Priority Air Charter. A search turned up a small amount of information. I potentially have an interview with them next week. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
You'll start in the 'Van and progress to the PC12. Its been a few years since they called me to interview, so i dont recall the pay. I think it was around 28-30k year.
I worked there in 2005 so my info is pretty dated, but I'll pass it along anyways... Nice family- they also own/operate Preferred Air Parts which is located on their private airport. The Caravan's are/were mostly rebuilt wrecks but very well-equipped and impeccably maintained. They are Caravan gurus and I never felt any of the aircraft were unsafe- can't say enough positive about the aircraft and maintenance. You'll be expected to work hard (or at least I did when auto parts flying was plentiful- not sure what they're flying around these days). There was no schedule when I was there- it was Monday-Saturday on a pager 24/7 (well, 24/6, actually). If you were first out, you were expected to be airborne within 45 minutes of the page so you have to live close and there aren't many options. It was rare to stay on the road for long- usually just a 14-hour 135 day and then a Part 91 repo home so the days were sometimes very long. Senior guys/management tended to fly more during the days and shorter trips while the younger guys got the all-nighters and epically long trips. Sundays are/were almost always a hard day off (the owners are pretty religious) with the exception of very occasionally repositioning home from somewhere early on a Sunday morning following a trip that went late into Sat. night. Back on call at midnight Sunday night. Pay was pretty good as I recall (I made more than mentioned above and I only worked there for 8 months) but I don't remember how it was calculated. The more you flew the more you made but I believe there was also a base. When I worked there they had a one-year training contract. Training was conducted in the airplanes and was pretty thorough.

I imagine some things have changed since I was there but either way, it's definitely not for everyone. I personally enjoyed my time there. They were my first real PIC job outside of flight instructing and I learned a lot. Flew alongside a great bunch of guys that I am still friends with, though all of them have moved on to other jobs.

In short- decent company and pay; good maintenance; zero QOL; good experience for a young, single, low-maintenance pilot who is willing to work hard and pay their dues.
Well I was offered the job. I haven't decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing considering the location. Seems like they still have the same structure as they did years ago. Thanks for the info!
I was offered the job but turned it down due to having to live within 25 mins of airport and the schedule. That's Amish country where they are and not much around it.