Please send me one word/Professionalism=__________

When I think of professionalism I think of.... dancing kittens!


Edit: By the way, this post is to explain my opinion that there is no single word that can describe the concept
Velo...the youngins just don't like you dude..anyone that that was wearing Wooley Mammoth hide diapers when he was a puppy and did his first solo in a Wright B Flyer is NOT to be trusted ..!:D
Professionalism cannot be summed up in one word, it is the synthesis of many traits and actions that add up to something greater than the sum of its parts. I wanted to get all of these words because I knew I would not be able to think of them all, and that the wisdom of our group is greater than any one person's perspective. I appreciate all of you who played along with my little excercise.

Between this forum and one of my other favorite aviation forums I was able to compile a list of words. Words that singularly have a meaning that falls short, but when taken together start to create a picture similar to pixels on a tv.

Here are 26 words that come to mind when people think of professionalism:

1. Maturity
2. Discipline
3. Integrity
4. Self-Motivation
5. Trustworthy
6. Excellent
7. Attitude
8. Consistent
9. Moral
10. Responsible
11. Communicative
12. Knowledgeable
13. Classy
14. Modest
15. Humble
16. Precise
17. Committed
18. Dedicated
19. Mentor
20. Ethical
21. Proficient
22. Courteous
23. Respected
24. Respectful
25. Honorable
26. Expert

Although no one can live up to all of these words at all times, in my humble opinion, the aspiration and effort to be defined by these words is one way to view professionalism.



I hope it gets found before we truly do look like taxi drivers.

Not a personal slam to anyone, just appears in the public eye that Sully is the only professional. It's always a few that grab the spotlight that make us all look like we are far from professional.

Nobody needs to wear sunglasses and an ipod walking through the terminal- you are not that cool.
Not a personal slam to anyone, just appears in the public eye that Sully is the only professional. It's always a few that grab the spotlight that make us all look like we are far from professional.

That's b/c the general public thinks we're all lazy, overpaid button pushers. I mean, the plane lands itself....unless it's on a river. You have to do something of Sullic proportions to be seen as a competent airline pilot.