Please HELP!!!! I need Insight

Yeah, I was going to qualify my response earlier.....

There are many variables I would take into account if I were you. I took the NYPD exam and got called for the academy less then a month later. I believe it was 26days to be exact. Only wrinkle is this was before the pay raise.. Coupled with 7yrs of college loans to pay back, I didn't want to have to qualify for food stamps in order to survive. So, I turned it down only to find out you guys got a descent raise months later. Oh well. Maaybe I'll try and reopen my file.

Second I would consider my working conditions... Are you in the neighborhood of the 79 or the 111? Impact? Any promotion lists you may be on etc.

ATC is shift work just like policing. With the exception of bullets, fists and other dangers are replaced by what some call a stressful job. I'm sure you're no stranger to stress as a member of the finest.

Talking with my friends on the job and retired family members it seems that the authority given to officers in the NYPD has been steadily declining and one needs to always be mindful and aware of civil rights and questioning use of force for fear bureaucracy looking to make an example ... take what you will from that, always two schools of thought.

Have you always wanted to be a cop or a pilot/aviation career? Policing is noble work and if you are happy doing it I'd say stay. You already know what to expect for the most part and prob have a good idea of where you are going. But, if aviation is a passion and you feel its something you need to make a career, give it a shot. As Wayne Gretzky said; "You miss 100% of the shots you never take".

Best of luck to ya
OK just to give an update on my situation. I spoke to enroute HR rep, she pretty much said that the class they have open is for April 2009 like i previously mentioned. If i defer that class another class for ZNY would be in August of 09, but they said my physical would expire prior to the august class but is still good for the april class and air traffic would probably not approve for me to take another physical so I have to make a decision on jumping in on the April class and I will be making that final decision and have an answer by the end of this month
Yup, tough decision. But, a level 12 facility is no joke. Having trained at a level 10 center, you'll have your hands full. To be quite honest, the grass is always greener but the lawn's still gotta be mowed. In other words, both jobs have their stress and, well, crap involved. If I were you, unless your really not liking your police gig, I'd stay put. ATC is not as glorified as many of the applicants like to think. Yes, it's a gov. gig, but you've already got that. Your pension is there, your not at risk of washing out where you're currently at, and you're making good pay. ATC offers no guarentee. You COULD wash. Do you leave a 6 figure job for a 5 figure job that will put you in a position of being in one of the most difficult facilities in the country? As I said, a level 12 is no joke.

As far as Obama being president and going back to the old contract, don't count on it. Will there be changes? Yeah, probably, but the economy is so screwed up right now that ATC getting a pay raise to more consistent 6 figure salaries is not a high priority.

Tough call bro, weigh all the advice and make an informed decision. Good luck.
Ok here is my situation. I took the ATCer test off the street about a year ago. I passed everything went through I received a job offer at ZNY (new york center – level 12 facility). I am currently a police officer with 3yrs on the force, right now where I am top pay is 100grand, I also receive unlimited sick time, benefits for life (after I retire as well), 20yr retirement at 50%. If I should ever get sick and I’m out for a yr lets say I will be at home getting paid because of my unlimited sick no questioned asked. So now I have a decision to make do I take this ATC job and try it out or not. I love aviation as well, I been flying airplanes since I been 14yrs old. But my main concern is I know the wash out rate is very high at ZNY and that could be me (lets just say its that possibility) and I could lose everything I have now just for trying out this new job. Also what would happen lets say I have 10-15yrs on as a Air Traffic Controller and I can no longer pass an FAA medical, do they fire me am I out of a job, do I get a pay cut, etc. I guess what I’m asking is any insight on what you would do if you were in my shoes, etc. If anyone is out that that is an ATCer and was a former police officer your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again…

Nassau Co. PD? STAY THERE!

My dad is retired from the Sheriff's Dept and many family friends are retired from PD up there. Make $100K plus OT while patrolling, later on move into a detective spot...retire and cash out big!

Do what your heart tells you but as it is you have a GREAT job right the list to get onto the force up there is huge!

I wish you the best - good luck!
I have been a controller at Washington Center for over 20 years and I can tell you that I have never seen anyone lose their job - or even lose pay - after failing or losing their medical, and I have a seen more than a few lose their medical.

I take that back, there's always one idiot.

The idiot in question lost his medical and for over two years sat around Washington Center in various odd jobs they placed him in and refused every real offer for a new position he recieved from the FAA. He simply refused to accept that the FAA would indeed fire him if he repeatedly refused job offers. He did nothing.... in the face of repeated letters telling him he would be fired if he did not comply... so they finally fired him.

So, if you do come to the FAA... and you lose your medical somewhere down the road.... you know what not to do.