Pics from Afganistan from work

Ron Evans. That's blast from the past! About the happiest guy on earth! I remember sitting in the flight planning room working on a XC from PRC to EED listening to him eat a whopper w/extra cheese.

"Mmm! MMMMM! so good... Mmmm! MMMMMM!"
Dude, did you see my cousin in the cave in the background of the last pic? I haven't seen that guy in..........
Dude, did you see my cousin in the cave in the background of the last pic? I haven't seen that guy in..........

Speaking of cousins, did you know that we've got a couple guys from Ariana working at Southernjets?
Thats funny. My bro told me to go fly the three holer back in 04 to build time and get picked up by the majors later on. Just wasn't my thing. Burqa's and the mullah don't mix. What are their names? Wanna learn some bad words?