Phoenix Tower


Super User
Anyone know if the new Phoenix tower at Sky Harbor is up & running? Also anyone know if TRACON has moved to their new facility under the new tower?
I think the local controllers are in the new Tower only during night ops.....
There was a short report in the paper a few weeks ago about a delay in final inspections until after the first of the year.
Most likely...but it is an a rather odd placement. And has a road around it used frequently by people picking up or dropping off pax. So not sure how they will do it exactly.

They will demo it during off-peak time, at night, at 3 am local. Just watch.

I heard a while ago they were thinking about keeping it for a backup. But i could be wrong

That's what they said about ATL's old tower as well. . . and they demo'd it pretty darn quickly, even before the FAA certified the new one for full operational use. Go figure? :insane:
I remember Sea-Tac a few years ago during the earthquake had to control from a trailer

PHX had some scorpians or some insects in the cab and had to control from a trailer a while back. This was at 12 am local though.