Most airports pay above the local minimum wage by mandate, at least all the ones I've worked at. Flight benefits are worth risking life and limb for though, for sure (I've taken over 400 non-rev pleasure flights and been left behind less than 20 times, don't believe the haters). I was making $10.80/hr in 2008 starting at SkyWest when the local minimum wage was $8/hr. And by 2010 that bumped up to $13/hr starting and more for those of us who had been there. Plus we all got free health care as an SF County ordinance, so no pay deductions for that. I don't know why people always act like the airlines pay the same as a being a Foodmax janitor.
When I was trying to fix the 400%+ turnover rate for DL in SMF last year, we were offering to start people at $20/hr when AA was doing $17 and WN was doing $16 while the average retail and fast food job was doing like $15-16. Even offered positive space flight bennies for you and a friend twice per year in the best cabin available. One day in ankle-high rain or one time being held hostage 6 hours until 4AM for a late flight and they're and all gone anyway. It's not just money in that industry. It's just people not wanting to do the work period when you throw in how long it takes to get to an airport, an employee lot, park, get to clock in, etc. mixed in with flooding rain, ice in Dec\Jan, and 100+ humid heat all summer. Plus SMF makes them go thru TSA over and over all day. I'd be shocked if places in the US with even worse weather pay minimum wage lol.