Overflying Class C or D airspace VFR

Re: Flight Following

Still too much crap to say on an initial call-up, prior to establishing comms....

[/ QUOTE ]Mike, here is a suggestion--reread my post. You will see in the first line of the scenario advocated by a Atlanta Center Controller the phrase "Atlanta Center, Cessna 12345 requesting VFR advisories." The "crap" that you so eloquently put it is only AFTER establishing comms. Before jumping in with a critique, be sure you read the whole post.
Re: Flight Following

Still too much crap to say on an initial call-up, prior to establishing comms....

[/ QUOTE ]Mike, here is a suggestion--reread my post. You will see in the first line of the scenario advocated by a Atlanta Center Controller the phrase "Atlanta Center, Cessna 12345 requesting VFR advisories." The "crap" that you so eloquently put it is only AFTER establishing comms. Before jumping in with a critique, be sure you read the whole post.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was referring to those I've heard that have made this type of call as their initial call-up, since I've heard it done in my career of flying, not the answer as Mr. Brown wrote it. And, like it or not, that would be crap. That, is what I was referring to.

Jeez, you and a few other people around here......a suggestion for you up-and-coming pilot types: drop the sensitivities and get a leather hide. You can't handle things that may not fit your bill of "eloquence", you're in the wrong biz.

BTW, why are your panties all in a wad? The portion of the post I'm critiquing was written by Mr. Brown, not you.
Re: Flight Following

Mike, here is a suggestion--reread my post. You will see in the first line of the scenario advocated by a Atlanta Center Controller the phrase "Atlanta Center, Cessna 12345 requesting VFR advisories." The "crap" that you so eloquently put it is only AFTER establishing comms. Before jumping in with a critique, be sure you read the whole post.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mike's a little preoccupied in Iraq so ANY time he's got to sprinkle a little insight on the website is duly appreciated and definetely earned him an all expenses paid trip to the steakhouse of his choice on his arrival back in the USA. Or even Bill Johnsons if he'd like, but not the one down on Van Buren because there's way too many hookers walking about!
Re: Flight Following

Jeez, you and a few other people around here......a suggestion for you up-and-coming pilot types: drop the sensitivities and get a leather hide. You can't handle things that may not fit your bill of "eloquence", you're in the wrong biz.

BTW, why are your panties all in a wad? The portion of the post I'm critiquing was written by Mr. Brown, not you.

[/ QUOTE ]Mike, no "sensitivities" are involved. In fact, it's not a matter of any panties being in wads, but rather simply a matter of trying to maintain clarity in the discussion. It seems you agree with the quote that I posted, although you then call it crap. It led to confusion.

I believe we agree as to the following:

o First establish communications with the controlling facility using something along these lines: Podunk Center, Cessna 12345, request (VFR advisories)

o After communications are established, we provide the remaining necessary information--type, position, altitude, what we want, where we are going.

Re: Flight Following

Sometimes in FL I would get a real good controller who after my initial callup of "Miami Center, Warrior NXXXXX, VFR request" they would respond with "Squawk 1234, ident and say destination".

They knew exactly what I wanted and were quick about everything. Very refreshing!

I had a guy fron NY center the other day though who was talking to IFR traffic giving him traffic advisories about us (we couldn't get a word in on frequency yet) and was calling out our altitude perfectly to the other plane. Once there was a puase I called him and told him we were that traffic he was referring to. He gave me a transponder code but then pulled the old "not receiving your mode C, squawk VFR radar services terminated" after calling out our altitude 4 or 5 time perfectly just 2 or 3 minutes prior. I realize it's on a workload permitting basis, but just tell me your busy, don't make up some mode C crap in order to turn me down and then have me go get my transponder checked at the shop costing my FBO money!
...over the top of class C or D airspace...
What about a Class D airport that where appraoch services are provided...
...b) Contact the tower rather than center and tell tower of your intentions (less freq congestion than center)

[/ QUOTE ]It's been my experience that you should never bother calling the tower about a flight outside of their airspace.
I hear people doing it daily, and the tower just says, "you're outside of my airspace".