Online degrees?

If anyone is still interested, I found a nationally accredited online university that charges by the semester and not the unit. The schools I have been looking at, and there have been several, all end up costing about $50-55K for a 4 year bachelors degree. This school is based on a 12 unit semester whether or not you take 12 units. You can also take more if you want and the cost is the same. Bottom line...a 4 year Bachelors degree, that can be accelerated to about 2 1/2 - 3 yrs, will cost about $26K. The Business Management degree I was looking at is $2,890 per 6 mo. term plus books. I googled the school and could not find any disgruntled students. The school is called Western Governors University. Check out

Greg Patelzick
Hi Greg, do you work at Alpine?
Im about to start ERAU online as well- just finishing up some Gen Ed classes online at a cheaper comm. college. I have already transferred in 81 credits but it should be 90 once I finish the comm. college classes. Degree will be B.S. in Professional Aeronautics. Just trying to check the box for the better jobs out there.

I've been taking classes through ERAU's worldwide program but occasionally take online classes b/c some of the classes I need are not offered on-site. Online classes are okay but can involve more work on the students part.
I am a huge fan of online degree programs for the simple reason of accessibility for physically disabled students (handicapped/disabled access is a hot-button issue with me). Many students with impediments (deaf, and many others) can access a college degree in this way. I know that universities do their best to make classes accessible, but even at that there can be obstacles. A typical college student has only to attend classes, etc. A handicapped student has to contend with their handicap as well as learning the course work. The development of online courses provides yet another avenue for those that are physically unable to access higher education.
I'm currently enrolled at the UoP online along with the axia college, im paying 1,090 dllrs per class 3 credits every 9 weeks, i know it's way to expensive, but because of my job had to do it this the way im half way now for the associates on business, most probably ill transfer to UVU for the BA on aviation managment......we'll see....:rolleyes:
Don't get an online degree to check the box.(aviation degree) Actually try to learn from it. Go to a school that is accredited, that shows up in the Department of Education database. There are literally thousands of diploma mills out there where you can do online classes, complete your home study and get your 4 year degree in a couple of months without doing any real examinations. It won't do you any good if your employer actually does a search only to find out it's not accredited.
Don't get an online degree to check the box.(aviation degree) Actually try to learn from it. Go to a school that is accredited, that shows up in the Department of Education database. There are literally thousands of diploma mills out there where you can do online classes, complete your home study and get your 4 year degree in a couple of months without doing any real examinations. It won't do you any good if your employer actually does a search only to find out it's not accredited.
UVU is a publicly funded state school not a diploma mill. I just stopped and visited the campus a couple weeks ago while on my home from Wyoming. It's a HUGE and modern school with tens of thousands of on campus students that just happens to have an online degree option for aviation. (Online students get the same degree as on campus students.)

I agree with a previous poster though with regard to the math department. find a school that offers a math class that will for sure map over to one of the required UVU math classes and get your math credits there. My math courses mapped over as "1900 level math electives" and UVU is forcing me to still take one of there entry level "core" math courses to meet the graduation requirement. (not to mention it took the math department almost 3 months to evaluate my transfer credits)
Good Luck!
plus dealing with the math department from out of state is maddeningly frustrating. I went out to the campus to meet my professor because I was having a hard time with the online tutors and email stuff. She said she would be around all week. I didn't get on the flight the first day (jumpseating) and then flew to SLC the next day rented a car drove to the campus (about an hour drive and walked to the math department... she wasn't there and it was spring break! She did'nt bother to answer any of the emails I sent until 2 hours after the time we were supposed to meet.

I was a 3.95 student until dealing with those jerks in the math department. (I still should graduate Magna Cum Laude) but I could not believe it, her response, "maybe next time." (crazy woman!)

This all occured while my mother was dying from cancer, and she was aware of that as not give the math department any of your tuition money...
Anyone know of an online Aerospace Engineering program? I won't be able to attend a school in person for a few years to come trying to sort out finances, but I would love to start the BS program for aerospace engineering. Eventually I'd like a MS or PhD in aerospace engineering.
I graduated from ERAU worldwide this past Feb out of the LA campus. I did both traditional classes and online. It's a lot more expensive than I wish it was overall, but in the end is worth it. IMO the classroom settings weren't that bad work wise, and were surprisingly easier than the community college I attended. Like stated above, if at all possible finish math courses in a person to person classroom setting before attempting online. Not the easiest to ask for help through an email. Expect more of a work load with the online classes, and getting paired with people who wait till the last minute (frustrating) on group projects. Best of luck.
Don't get an online degree to check the box.(aviation degree) Actually try to learn from it. Go to a school that is accredited, that shows up in the Department of Education database. There are literally thousands of diploma mills out there where you can do online classes, complete your home study and get your 4 year degree in a couple of months without doing any real examinations. It won't do you any good if your employer actually does a search only to find out it's not accredited.

Just because the school is online doesn't mean it isn't accredited. ERAU Worldwide was accredited by the same group that accredited the main campuses.

As a warning though, always check if an online school is accredited. Self-accredited means nothing.

So long as the school is nationally accredited, the online degree is as good as any other degree.
Hello all, I mentioned before, that im enrolled at the UoP for the business asscociates degree, i was checking the reputation of the school, and im starting to worry because there are many negative comments about it, and most of all, im now concerned wether or not airlines will disminish the degree when attempting to get a job there, i choose this other career field only as a backup, but now seeing the type of repution if somehting goes wrong in aviation i would have something to fall on, but now im not sure about it, what college/univ. you guys recommend for completion of an online business degree? or should not be worry about the school degree for the airlines?,..... because they only require or prefer the degree of anything at all. hope to hear your suggestions, and comments about this school, and the degree. thnx. :(:rolleyes:.
yeah, thanks nkoeing, so will it matter for any airline? :o

Ashford University and Kaplan university are cheaper AND regionally accredited options if you're looking for a degree outside of aviation. I have one year left with Ashford towards my B.A. in HR Management and have loved it so far and if you're prior military they have discounts and free textbooks. Just a thought.
I have some questions for people who did online degrees. Are the classes a full 'semester' or a few weeks? Can you start classes at anytime? How many classes do normal people do at a time? What is a decent/cheap online college?

I currently have a 4 year degree, but I am thinking of getting either a second degree or a masters degree. I fly 135 freight so i have A LOT of time with nothing to do.