Online degrees?


New Member
Has anyone here gotten an online degree. If so how was your experience; what university, how long did it take, etc?
I'm not done yet, but I am attending Everglades University. I am taking one class per month. I have been at this school for almost two years and will graduate in September. So far I have no complaints and I'm enjoying it everyday.
I'll be doing my first two online classes with Riddle starting 15FEB.

I had two years of school already (93/94 and 94/95) so I had a fair amount of transfer credit. Classes are $825 for a 3 credit class. Not too cheap but not that bad either. I hope to finish in a year or so....
Is taking online classes any less credible than actually going to the school? If you got asked about it in a job interview, would it make or break the deal?
I'll be doing my first two online classes with Riddle starting 15FEB.

I had two years of school already (93/94 and 94/95) so I had a fair amount of transfer credit. Classes are $825 for a 3 credit class. Not too cheap but not that bad either. I hope to finish in a year or so....

What degree are you working on?
Im about to start ERAU online as well- just finishing up some Gen Ed classes online at a cheaper comm. college. I have already transferred in 81 credits but it should be 90 once I finish the comm. college classes. Degree will be B.S. in Professional Aeronautics. Just trying to check the box for the better jobs out there.
I started at Utah Valley State College (now UVU) October '03. I will graduate in December with an Aviation Science degree. I received my Applied Sciences degree August 2007. The cost per 6 units is around $1050.00.

You can challenge for your ratings. I am sooooo ready to be finished, just six more classes!:rawk:

I tried Embry Riddle for a semester, but it was quite a bit more expensive and I was going to have to take an extra math class, and that was a deal breaker!
Holy ####, $825 for a three credit class?

My goodness.

I pay $600 for a class over at Troy University's eCampus. (

Granted, it's not some fluffy Aviation degree from a fluffy Aeronautical University (ERAU), but wow. . .

It's not like there are no other options out there for those who want an aviation degree (USVC, etc) online, much less any liberal arts degree program from recognized universities. Heck, even Penn State offers Turf Management undergrad degrees online.
Yeah the only reason I am sticking with aviation degree is all of my licenses and aviation classes I took for three semesters at a private college. I realized my mistake but the aviation degree is still the easiest way to check the box. UVU is way too selective on what classes they will accept (wont accept Tennis as PE credit, wont accept Philosophy as Humanities credit) plus you have to pay to transfer previous credits. UVU's customer service is absolutely horrible- sit on hold for over 30 minutes and then they can't answer your questions and just keep transferring you. Going for an online degree in another field would take me several years.
I'll be doing my first two online classes with Riddle starting 15FEB.

I had two years of school already (93/94 and 94/95) so I had a fair amount of transfer credit. Classes are $825 for a 3 credit class. Not too cheap but not that bad either. I hope to finish in a year or so....

Holy crap, that has gone way up in a year. Is that for post-graduate classes? I paid something like $625 for a 3 credit class last January.
Yeah the only reason I am sticking with aviation degree is all of my licenses and aviation classes I took for three semesters at a private college. I realized my mistake but the aviation degree is still the easiest way to check the box. UVU is way too selective on what classes they will accept (wont accept Tennis as PE credit, wont accept Philosophy as Humanities credit) plus you have to pay to transfer previous credits. UVU's customer service is absolutely horrible- sit on hold for over 30 minutes and then they can't answer your questions and just keep transferring you. Going for an online degree in another field would take me several years.

Of course.

Really depends on your position and whichever is the quickest.

I wouldn't be surprised, even with 75 credits down, that if I transferred everything over to ERAU that I'd still have about 45 credits to go before they cut me a diploma.

To that end, I'd rather complete a degree that I enjoy and can utilize as a plan B or even C, all while checking the box.
Online degrees are a good thing I feel. They course work and the diploma are the exact same as if you were to attend the on campus classes. Perfect for working professionals or those who are in their choosen career and wish to advance themselves.

As for cost, look around, not all of them are expensive. I will be enrolling in the Natural Resources Management (Fisheries and Wildlife Minor) at Oregon State and the cost is only $100 more per credit hour than the local community college where I live.

With the online thing becoming so popular, more and more universities are offering more and more programs. I think it is here to stay and grow!
I was able to work at Horizon airlines and got all my flight rating without having to worry about class schedules. Hence my low blood pressure.
I'm in my third semester with UVU. So far I've had a great experience. Don't procrastinate.
Almost half way through with my Master's at Embry Worldwide Online. Great program. Intructors are very accessible. About $1200 per 3 credit hours.
University of Phoenix Online, graduated Nov 08. As everyone else has pointed out, online isn't cheap. I think UoP was in the neighborhood of $800/hr as well. Not every instructor was great, but neither are the professors/instructors in traditional schools.

The best advice I can give is this: Online classes require the student to learn on their own. You HAVE to be self-motivated to complete an online program. If you do better with an instructor giving you the stink-eye when you walk into the classroom, online schooling may not be for you.

The upside is that you can go to class whenever and wherever. My work schedule and traveling made online the only way I could go to school.

Online degrees may have had a stigma about them a few years ago, as they were new and unknown. But so many people are going to school online now that the degrees are treated just like a brick and mortar school degree. In fact, my UoP degree was enough to get me a commission in the USAF, so they definitely count for something!

Good luck in whatever route you choose.
Try State University of New York Empire College I graduated in December with my Bachelors of Science in Finance. They give you credits for your FAA licenses as well as college credit for life experience like if you had any other professional licenses or training. Cost is pretty cheap.

Took me 2 full years.
I'm doing UVU online while working for a regional. It's been tough but not impossible. Sometimes I just bid reserve to catch up on work. Unfortunately it's an aviation degree which most people tend bad mouth. However I plan on pursuing even higher levels of education. An aviation degree checks boxes and will get you into a MBA program.
I have a friend who's not doing the online thing. She is getting a degree through university of texas I believe and it's a BAAS. Basically they take all your associates degree and from there you can specialize in economics, finance anything like that. Don't know if they offer the online option.
UVU does a great job, yes they don't have the best customer service when trying to figure out how to register for classes and such. But it's really a no brainer. Application fees for most colleges are $50. Pay it, send in your transcpripts and develop a cost analysis of how many credits are needed*cost. Also factor in how long this will take you. I'm maintaining 12 credits per semester through UVU which I could not do with a business degree. Most the information I'm really familiar with.
There will be people that say get a back up degree. The captain I'm flying with has an engineering degree. He advised me to go the route I took. He said he has an engineering degree but he's not an engineer. It's been over 10 years since he got his degree and wouldn't be able to make a transition without going through more school. Get a degree that's economical given the current state of the industry. If you find yourself losing your medical take a student loan and spend two years getting a computer degree.
If anyone is still interested, I found a nationally accredited online university that charges by the semester and not the unit. The schools I have been looking at, and there have been several, all end up costing about $50-55K for a 4 year bachelors degree. This school is based on a 12 unit semester whether or not you take 12 units. You can also take more if you want and the cost is the same. Bottom line...a 4 year Bachelors degree, that can be accelerated to about 2 1/2 - 3 yrs, will cost about $26K. The Business Management degree I was looking at is $2,890 per 6 mo. term plus books. I googled the school and could not find any disgruntled students. The school is called Western Governors University. Check out

Greg Patelzick