OKC dress code

We had few people wearing tie and all. I have heard of a few wearing a suit on day one which is completely unnecessary. The basics graduation day is a regular day and they hand out a certificate and move on quickly. I hear the last day is similar, work normally all day until the end where they hand you your certificate, paperwork, take your badge back and kick you out haha..... this is what I have heard...
...just curious, is there a graduation "ceremony" or on the last day it's pretty much just peace out?

basics they played corny music and gave us a certificate. enroute graduation we were given a certificate again, and told... leave your badges on the desks and leave.
Facial hair

So what about facial hair? Do I need to shave and get a hair cut?

Re: Facial hair

im curious about that too.my job makes me wear buisness casual but i cant have my hair to long and i have to shave. i hate doing both of these things. so...do we have to or can i come in with an awesome gotee?


^^^ yea like that awesome
Apparently at OKC you do need to shave, but some facilities (I don't know which ones) don't mind if you grow your hair, beard, have piercings or unnatural colors.