Eff 47, indeed!
No doubt.
Keep receipts of the supplicant after the administration ends. I’ll have lots of questions.
“The F-47 will specialize in the “Split S” maneuver where it sees warfare and makes a quick 180 and claims bone spurs”
Eff 47, indeed!
Will it marry eastern european women too?“The F-47 will specialize in the “Split S” maneuver where it sees warfare and makes a quick 180 and claims bone spurs”
We already had an F-47.
Tbf we already had a T-6 as well
F-47 Insurrectionist has a nice ring to it
Think it will go better than the MAX or the space capsule?
I'd say BCA (to include mil "derivatives") is on a different planet compared to BDS. Two totally different companies, under one umbrella. STL still takes a lot of pride in their work, and they generally get what they need. Fundamental things like what you bill your hours to are even completely different between the two. To your point, the T-7 and some recent "aftermarket" F/A-18 mods have gone a little sideways at times, and that is a cautionary tale. But i am cautiously optimistic about this one. It has been a "thing" for a while now, though not officially under contract until now. This is EMD, so the FRP cycle will be its own thing, and isn't a given (see A-12). But it is about the biggest good news for the defense side of the company since the early 1990s (which would have been MacAir). This will also get subb'd to all the other big guys. Boeing built components for the F-22, and continue to provide sustainment products. Northrop Grumman builds the whole F/A-18 aft of the wingline. That'll all shake out for the FRP contract.
KC-46 as well as every 707 and 737 looking mil plane fall under "derivatives", which is effectively still BCA (commercial side). That IMO is the difference. Commercial has been a dumpster fire for a while now, even before the MAX crashes.
Boeing F/A-18 Hornet and Boeing F-15C Eagle, do not sound right at all, still, to this day.
The placards behind the seat and in the wing roots (visible when the leading edge flaps are down) still say "McDonnell Douglas" interestingly enough.
Apache and Chinook still have parts with Hughes and Vertol stamps on them to this day.
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KC-46 as well as every 707 and 737 looking mil plane fall under "derivatives", which is effectively still BCA (commercial side). That IMO is the difference. Commercial has been a dumpster fire for a while now, even before the MAX crashes.
Used google:
F15EX had major issues overbudget and delayed
MQ-25 is over budget and years delayed
B52H reengine and electrical system project is overbudget and delayed.
V22 also not good
That was one webpage but I've been worked hard and put away wet on reserve all week so I'm going to bed.
You can google exactly every major weapon system program in the last 60 years and find similar data. Looking at just fighters, F-111, F-15, F-14, F/A-18 (to a significantly lesser extent), F-22, F-35. All became successful in spite of cost overruns and delays. MQ-25 is a weird one, because it was a solution looking for a problem that doesnt exist, IMO. Guess my point being that every single major acquisition program i can think of, save the F-16 and the F/A-18E/F/G, have come in overbudget and delayed (oh and maybe the U-2A, and a handful of early programs in the 50's)
Well, yes. Obviously.Historically the most successful multirole fighter ever deployed on a carrier but it was second place at being the jet to get a cool movie with shirtless pilots playing sports, so it’s obviously a failure.
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