Odds of getting picked up

I don't remember where it is at. It was on the actual application though so maybe it is only there before you submit, after you can't put a reference in?!? I don't know...honestly I don't remember where it was cause it was almost 2 years ago that we submitted that application! :)
I don't remember seeing anywhere to put personal references on the application either. Their was professional referneces you had to include for each job you had, but nowhere did it ask for personal ones. I guess maybe it's possible I completely missed it though.
Oh I know it is on there and I know it was at the very bottom/last part of application but I don't remember the exact location of it or if you can add references after the fact...sorry :(
No. You don't put personal references down at any place in ASAP. You may be mistaking it for the SF-86, which comes much later, or the reference portion of the work history section.
No. You don't put personal references down at any place in ASAP. You may be mistaking it for the SF-86, which comes much later, or the reference portion of the work history section.

That's what I thought. The only place for references was on the work history.
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Ummm, I had a message typed, I have NO clue why that posted and not my message! ANYWAYS - no there is a place on the application for who referrenced you to the job. I filled out all my husbands appts so I know it is there. It is at the end and it asks how you heard about the job. When you say you heard about it from a controller, there is a place to put in that referrence name. Did it on 4 applications...2 had 1 controllers name, the other 2 had the original controller as well as a friend of ours that had just finished his CPC at ZLC.
I can't find a field on asap where I can input contact info for a reference. I checked the "User Information" tab & I reviewed my submitted pubnat 7 app, no place to enter references. Am I missing something?

I just copied this from the actual application...

* Description of duties and accomplishments: In this text area, please provide a brief explanation of your work experience. Include the name, title, organization name and phone number of at least one reference that can be contacted for further verification of your level of experience. (Max 4000 chars)
I just copied this from the actual application...

* Description of duties and accomplishments: In this text area, please provide a brief explanation of your work experience. Include the name, title, organization name and phone number of at least one reference that can be contacted for further verification of your level of experience. (Max 4000 chars)

That's what I remember being on there. Clearly they wanted only references as far as previous employment. Of course, I guess you could use some creative thinking and somehow put a reference that has nothing to do with your emploment, but could verify your level of experience based on what they believe about you. Maybe...
That's exactly what we just said. Although it's a reference from the job, not who referred you to the job.

Yes there was a place that reference FROM the jobs he had worked. There was also a place we put in that we were referred TO the job by the CPC. I know for a fact we did that, I remember putting his name in the application for it. I remember he told us where to go on the application and there was a question on "where did you hear about this job?" It gave some choices like: newspaper, etc. If you said from "friend" there was a place to put the name of the friend in.
That's exactly what we just said. Although it's a reference from the job, not who referred you to the job.

TT is right, there was a field that we could enter who referred us to the job, not from my past employment. Unfortunately, I can't remember what section it was in.

"your odds of getting picked up"
Of course, I guess you could use some creative thinking and somehow put a reference that has nothing to do with your emploment, but could verify your level of experience based on what they believe about you. Maybe...

Tell them you work in the import-export business with Art Vandelay.

TT is right, there was a field that we could enter who referred us to the job, not from my past employment. Unfortunately, I can't remember what section it was in.

I ground over this in my head for the last ten minutes until I realized that we're talking about a VRA application, not PUBNAT. That would explain it.