Hi... Sorry I took so long to reply.. -- Anyway to answer your question... Yes I have flown in the Buffalo winter.. (I began training on 9/1/01, and passed my Private checkride in June of '02)... The winter was not fun, but I learned how to do runups on icy taxiways, and how to avoid the slush and ruts on short and narrow runways. (ie. short and soft field technique!) -- Also, there can be some really interesting winds here in the winter time. In contrast however, the winter can provide some of the most smoothest air, best visibility, and the best performance that you will ever get out of your plane. Did it delay my training? Well yes.. but that is mostly my own fault. I work full time, and could only fly after work (after 4:30pm) and on weekends. As you know, in the winter the sun sets at about 4:30!... We did get plenty of night training in, but as you know, there's only so much you can do at night during the pre-solo stage. So, to answer your question, I could have gotten-in plenty of flights, but since I did most of my winter flying on Saturdays, there were times where I didn't fly for the whole week. I sat at my desk staring out the window at perfectly good flying weather on many a winter-weekday this past year. I hope this helps! Feel free to contact me for any further details if you need some CFI's phone numbers, or if you have any other questions.