I worked in a Noise Complaint office at one of the most-complained-to airports in the country, KOSU. There were people submitting 1,600 complains PER MONTH. We had to then correlate the aircraft that were complained about to ones the monitoring equipment and radar feed from CMH showed. Right around 6/10 never existed. They would complain about a plane that shook their house to pieces and we would go back and look and it would most likely be one of Ohio State's 172's at 6,500ft... surreeeee it did. Then they would come in and expect a print-out of all the aircraft they complained about. We would give it to them but they were always timid when we would confront them about the complaints. They knew it was BS. The airport has been many, many, MANY years and they have the nerve to complain about it.
One lady blatantly calls in about MedFlight (who has seven birds based on the field and does all their mx there). Those are the ones that got me fired up. A lot of the people I would about, but she really irked me. Oh well, some people never learn.