New FedEx Internal Recommendations Process For Pilot Applicants

Yea, I've seen it both ways, from you had to have a bro in management to get looked at (and a certain pedigree was almost mandatory) to "if we get a letter of recommendation before the interview, that's the kiss of death".

Not sure where the middle is. In my admittedly foggy memory, I remember NWA had a program where you could recommend someone, but you actually HAD to have flown with them in a previous life in whatever version of line flying you did. You couldn't just go rent a 172 for the afternoon and shoot some touch and goes.

That happened to my friend at NGPA last year as well. Last year's WAI was the coup de grace when someone looked over the wall of the stall while he was mid-poop and started his elevator pitch.

I'm thankful for those who set the bar here. Makes me look good.