New air traffic controller pay

Does anyone know how much lower the pay for new air traffic controllers is? Are they still making pretty good money?

I'd say they're making pretty good money. It's $40k to start and then you're making close to $90k after about 4 years. I'll look up the payscale, but I don't have time now...

Everyone is bitching about the pay though... after being paid dirt as a CFI their complaints fall upon deaf ears by me.
The new pay scale ranges from 40% to 30% lower than the old scale.

Everyone bitches because. . . you have an administration that is so gung-ho about privatizing the careerfield. . . I wonder how many CTI'rs realize the ultimate fate of the FAA, and more importantly the end game the Bush administration is heading for.

Just like SJS, someone has to speak out about these issues . . . either you're part of the problem, or part of the solution.

To the OP: Good money is subjective when it comes to keeping metal from touching, how much do you pay a brain or heart surgeon? No amount of money can be "good money" to an ATC'r, but then again, all that I know - never got into it in the first place because of the money, but rather for the public service. But who wants to be a public servant when your own government is spending money willy nilly - but is quick to slash your yearly salary.
The website for ATC payscales:

Click on "Documents" on the left pane, then "View."

You have to know the level of your facility though, and down on the list is an Excel sheet that lists all the facilities and their levels.

What you need is: "Air Traffic Control Facilities By Service Area" and "AT Pay Base Table January 8, 2006"
Is there another link to this. I tried to click on what you said, and for some reason my computer won't allow me to view the "view" menu. When I click on it, it does nothing
May be another one of the FAA's ways of keeping potential candidates in the dark about their future. . . (only marginal :sarcasm:)
May be another one of the FAA's ways of keeping potential candidates in the dark about their future. . . (only marginal :sarcasm:)
Probably more true then you think. Many know about the new contract and i'd imagine it sucks to work right next to a guy who got hired a week earlier then you and is making twice as much as you are. Also, I'm not sure about centers and approach (at least not for 15 years or so), but I'm pretty sure the FAA is going to start contracting out more towers in the next few years and with less pay and inspections only once a year for contract towers, the quality, staffing and hours are going to go way down.
Yup, and this total disregard is reason #1 why I'll leave the ATC profession to those who are willing to work for less.

A friend of mine, who was hired at ZLA in late 2005, managed to get through the academy, before they instated the new non-tract. . . but he is feeling the heat from guys who graduated from the academy a mere 3 or 4 weeks AFTER he did who are now falling under the B-scale.

Just too much for me, maybe a 5-10% cut . . . but christ - 30-40% . . . have to be kidding me.
I heard a rumor that the FAA is hurting for new controllers, so much so that they are considering pulling ATC students during or even before their senior year! Some DWC ATC kids are pretty excited about this but no one knows if its legit or not. Anyone know anything?
I heard a rumor that the FAA is hurting for new controllers,...

Well, I hate to break it to you but, there's not a shortage of military controllers who want to be FAA controllers. Since I've been in the Air Force, only a few of us have re-enlisted. Everyone else...they do their time, 4 or 6 years, and then they get picked up by the FAA.

Lower pay scale or not, they just don't care. I guess they have a variation of SJS, maybe it's "SFAAS?!?"
Well, I hate to break it to you but, there's not a shortage of military controllers who want to be FAA controllers. Since I've been in the Air Force, only a few of us have re-enlisted. Everyone else...they do their time, 4 or 6 years, and then they get picked up by the FAA.

Lower pay scale or not, they just don't care. I guess they have a variation of SJS, maybe it's "SFAAS?!?"
The military has no where near enough controllers to fix the coming problem.
PurduePilot, do you know of any other links to this page. I'm just curious and the last time I asked I didn't get an intelligent response:banghead: I know that the page exists since you posted it here, and it isn't a huge government conspiracy to keep people in the dark. My computer just doesn't like me I guess.
PurduePilot, do you know of any other links to this page. I'm just curious and the last time I asked I didn't get an intelligent response:banghead: I know that the page exists since you posted it here, and it isn't a huge government conspiracy to keep people in the dark. My computer just doesn't like me I guess.

The link works for me.

There, is that an intelligent enough response for ya? :D
From NATCA's Doug Church, their media relations POC.

Sorry, I wasn't implying the ex-military controllers would fill the void, I just meant they're all to willing to step and work for "b-scale" money.

All too willing to step. . . sure, and greatly understandable. . . but all to willing to work for the b-scale? Do you stay in contact with all the 1C1's that leave the AF to make sure that ALL of them are willing to work for the B-scale?

Sure, they leave, but not ALL who leave pursue ATC in the civilian environment.
i hate to break it to you folks but the new people are on the C pay scale,the A scale were controllers who were FPLs when pay reclass started, B scale were FPLs checked out after pay reclass,C are the new chumps after sept 3.
I just came across this thread in google. Is this still the case with air traffic controller pay? I am trying to find some sort of pay scale but the link in this thread no longer works.