Need advice for a future at the majors

It proves you've got big kahunas just because you fly the Mu2 :nana2:
Well, I do need a wheelbarrow for the stones, but not cause I fly that thing. I've found that, typically, the reputations of aircraft with "a reputation" are vastly overstated. The Mitsi is no exception. It's certainly not an F-104 or a GeeBee or anything.

phoenix said:
I'm concerned with my age in the sense that long term I will be in a dissadvantage for lines/equipment, etc, of course once I make it to the majors.

I don't think it's even remotely clear that coming back and getting back in to 121 as an F/O will get you any closer to the majors to start with. Add in to that the vastly better pay and job security...

I do hear you about the lonliness, though. Easy for me to say since I'm fat dumb and happy in the USA. Best of luck whatever you decide to do.